Chapter one

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Oh hi I'm Impala but you can just call me Pala you know like Paula,but not..... Any way this is my story. It might not be very exiting to you but to me it felt like a roller coaster of feels -ew feels.
Well here goes nothing.

I was standing in my room -which was small, with only a dark purple bed, a desk and a bookshelf over spilling with books- in front of my full length body mirror. Trying to decide what to wear -I'm horrible when it comes to fashion. I finally decided to wear my usual V neck band t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. Which looks great on me with my long blackish brown soft curly hair and my rather magnificent set of breasts and my curvy hips. What can I say, I was a Winchester, I practically ewzzed with sex appeal.

"PALA!!!!!" I heard Tardis -my best friend (more like sister) and roommate- call from the kitchen "I NEED YA RIGHT NNNNOOOOOOWWWW!!!!" Her British accent was thicker then usually because she was yelling, but I could tell from her tone that it was nothing to serious.

I role my eyes and walk out of my room down the hallway into a small living room with a TV, a small couch, and a huge bookcase that takes up one hole wall. You could see the kitchen through a opening throw the wall that was a bar.

Tardis stood at the bar in her pajamas. She was a tall girl with long blonde hair, light brown eyes, and out of this world personality. When she was young her parents, The Doctor -his real name was David but everyone pretty much knew him as 'The Doctor'- and Rose Tyler, would travel around. Much like my family would, except they did it for the sole reason of helping people. We had meet once in elementary school, and then again on our  junior year of high school and have been attached at the hip ever since.

"What?" I say with one eyebrow arched. 

She turns and smiles a sly grin at me, "Impala, my dear, my darling, my little ray of sunshine,"  shoves a jar of pickles into my face, "open?" . When I refused she gives me a fake pouty face until I give in and open the jar.

"Are you going to go for that job interview?" She asked as she hops up on to the counter while pulling out a pickle and taking a bite out of it.

"Yeah. I'm leaving now actually" I said as I walk over and grabs the keys to my car and am out the door before Tardis could say another word. Because knowing her, she would start asking me a thousand questions that I honestly didn't feel like answering.

When I finally get out of the apartment building and into the parking lot it takes me a hole three minutes to find my car -well technically it's my brothers car but whatever. When I do I climb into the black 1967 Chevy Impala -yeah like my name... I have Dean to thank for that one.

I pull out of the parking lot of my apartment complex and drive to the job interview -witch is at a rollerskating rink probably should mention that.

I park the car and am about to get out when all of a sudden a red old pick up truck pulls in and.....there he was, with his perfect light brown hair, and beautiful oceany green eyes.
I could feel my heart skip a beat. Wait no!!! I barley knew the guy I was not going to be so hung up over someone I didn't even know.

I had meet him in the beginning of the summer when Tardis and I where moving into our new apartment and out of our old small collage dorms. We had been atimpting to carry our couch up four flights of stares, but Tardis being the stubborn little weakling she was couldn't make it up the first two flights. We had stood out in the stairway for a while, as Tardis tried to catch her breath, but luckily for us and guy, around our age came trotting down the stair and when he saw us he automatically asked if we needed any help, which we gladly excepted. After we got the couch into the apartment he help us bring in the rest of our stuff without even being asked to. It was strange to me, because after we where completely finished he simply shock our hands, then rushed off, saying he was late for a date with his friend. I didn't quit understand why he had helped us and asked for nothing in return. In my life I've learned that the only people that will do things like that for you are your family.... So why was he being so kind to a couple of strangers. I only had really came face to face with him a few other times and every time he had gone out of his way to help me and would ask nothing in return. Like if I would be carrying in groceries he would sometimes help me carry them up to my apartment even thought it was a hole floor above his and that he was always on his way out at the time. This is what made me want to get to know him and I had begun to notice that he would sometimes be wearing a roller rink workers shirt, so when I was looking through the papers for a job and saw an opening there, you could say I was able to see several different advantages of working there. One of them being that I could get to know this strange, kind man that I have become infatuated with. A one of the main things that I was hoping to learn about him, was his name. I'm not sure how, but our name had just never seemed to come up in the small conversations that we had when he had been helping me.

So I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, and hurried toured the red and blue building and went throw the double doors, completely aware that 'he' was right behind me now. 

I would of keep walking to the front desk, suddenly I felt a hand lightly grab me on my shoulder. 
"Hey. Are you here for the job" said a deep voice from behind me.

I spun around and sure enough it was his hand on my shoulder, his voice speaking to me, and his beautiful eye staring into mine.

And I couldn't say a word, at all, I was just frozen there. WHAT THE CRAP!!! I never got nerves around anyone!

Anyone except him!!! I didn't know how to talk to him, he was one of the only people I couldn't quite figure out. And reading people is one of my talents, I usually can tell what they like and dislike, what makes them tick, what makes them steamy under the hood; but with him, I get nothing, zilch, nada. And if I'm being completely honest it scared the shit out of me. Which also made me that mush more interested in him. 

Impala Winchester (A.U. human!Impala)Where stories live. Discover now