Chapter three

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"What!? Did someone hurt you?! Do I need to dive there and rip out someone's throat?!" He sounded so concerned about me -even though I was only his haft sister, he still loved me.

"No, no Dean I'm fine!" I say laughing "I was gust wondering if you could give me a quick lesson on how to um........flirt with guys, like... How to get their attention..." I said the last part so quickly I'm surprised he was able to hear me.

And the only reason I know that he heard me was because I could hear him burst out laughing. "It's not funny!!! So are you going to help me or not!!!" Once he calmed down he said "Yeah, sure okay ... But be to honest I don't really understand why you need my help. You've never had trouble with it before. I mean I've seen you flirt your way out of everything from a parking ticket to being arrested..." he waits for a while to alow me to defend myself, but when I say nothing he simply sighs and started to tell me different thing that might come off as flirty or would be cute, such as wearing a skirt -which there was no way I was going to do that, I mean I liked this guy but I didn't like him that much, and of course all the stupid cheesy pick lines he knows. Like 'hey I like your pants, how much would it take for me to get in them?' Or 'do you have a map because I think I'm lost in your eyes'

"Okay Dean thanks for the help" I say still trying to calm my laughter from the last pick up line, which was 'It's a good thing I brought my library card, because I'm checking you out.'

"No problem, but I have to say its kinda weird to be giving my baby sister tips on how to pick up guys. I mean I've never even meant this douche bag -I will get to meet this punk right?"

I laugh at what he said "Okay, one I'm not a baby any more. Two this is the first time I've ever had a full conversation with the guy."

"Oh come on you know that I was gust teasing you and you will always be my baby sister." I rolled my eyes but still smiled even though i know he cant see it.

"So how is everyone?"

"You saw use only a month ago when you and Tardis visited. Sam still looks and eats like a moose, Bobby is still as crabby as ever and I'm still adorable. " He said being a smart ass as always.

"You know that's not who I talked about." I say in a oddly small voice.

Even I can her the sadness in my own voice.

He sighed "I know. But I still don't see why you care about that asshole so much." I hate how much anger my brother has towered our dad, I'm mean I know he's a shitty dad and that he is the reason that Dean never when to college -my dad spent all the money we had on booze until there was no more left and the only reason Sam was able to go to college was because he got a full ride scholarship but he throw it all way when he started to date this girl named Ruby after his girlfriend Jess died in a fire and the only reason I was able to go was that Dean worked his butt off to pay for it, but still it's not healthy for him to have that much anger pent up inside him.

"Come on Dean I just want to know if he's alive or dead!" I said getting slightly angry at him for always being so childish when it comes to talking about our father.

He sighed "Sorry, and yeah he's alive as far as I know but its not like he calls every day to check in."

"Okay" I say excepting that answer "so hows Cas, you haven't told me how he's doing" I say trying to change to a lighter subject.

But judging by his hesitation I think I was wrong -ugh men, and they think we'er complicated. "Um. Yeah I'm not sure about him. He seems fine but...."

"Oh god Dean what happened" I said getting really worried, Dean couldn't loss Cas he was one of the best things to ever happen to him.

"Well I meant some of his friend's and family and... well their a bunch of dicks!!! They hate me and to be honest I hate them! I told Cas and he just kinda shrugged and said he was just happy I had actually came...I don't know man... Plus I think his brother Michael and cousin Anna where hitting on me..." He said with a small bitter laugh.

"Oh Dean I'm so sorry , but maybe if you think it's really bothering him then you should talk to him. That's how you keep a relationship going." Wow We really got off topic from what the call was originally for but oh well we're here now.

He sighed "I know, I know" and just as he said this I heard the front door to my apartment open.

"Hey Pala! I'm home!" Tardis said in her graceful British ascent as she closes the front door.

"Is that Tardis?" Asked Dean

"Yeah, hey I got to go. Tell everyone -and I mean everyone- that I said 'hi'. Love ya."

"Fine.....Love ya too." He says and hang's up. I was probably the only parson that Dean would say that to, well maybe some time down the road -hopefully soon- he would say that to Cas but I'm not holding my breath. Dean was always so careful about who he showed his emotions to. 

I smile at the phone, happy that I was able to take to my brother. "Was that Dean?"

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"So how did the interview go?" She asked walking over to the couch that I was laying on which meant that she had to lift up my lags to sit down, so she just placed them on top of her lap.

I put on a fake sad face "Well........." I looked at her and smiled "I GOT THE JOB!!!"

She screamed "That's Great!!!! So does that mean that you get to work with you 'know who'" she said in a weird way -yes she knows about my little crush, she's like my sister how could I keep anything from her.

"Yeah we actually had a conversation today. It was pretty awesome." I say the last part sarcastically in gust as weird of a way as she did.

"Well......why don't we go celebrate?!?" She says with a smile.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask

She nodded her head and we both yell "BOOK STORE THEN FROZEN YOGURT!!!!" -it's something we've done seen's we've known each other-We laugh as we get up and head out the door.

I never really allowed my nerdy dorky side to show but with Tardis -and some of my family- I was able to let my fangirl flag fly.

We ended up going to a movie also so we didn't get back until about 1am, and as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep I can't help but to think about starting work on Monday and everything that might happen. When I finally fall asleep I dream about when I was a little girl, and trust me it is not a good dream.

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