Chapter two

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You know in moments like this I really wish that I was my oldest brother Dean, he never got nerves around girls or guys. His boyfriend Cas -that's short for Castiel, he is probably the nicest guy i have ever meant he's practically a angel- always told me that before they where dating Dean would flirt with almost anyone that was breathing. Which I could believe because I had seen him in action.

Now while I might be a huge flirt most of the time, I still cant seem to be able to be smooth when I'm with someone I actually like. I could barley manege to say "y-yeah...."

I decided to try to distract mself by answering one the the questions I had. Which was, what is his name? His name tag said 'Nate' -holy hell even his name was hot! Ugh no brain stop it!!! 

I slightly shake my head, as if I was trying to shake the, rather embarrassing, thought away.

"Okay, then fallow me" he gave me a strange look that was a mix between a smirk and a frown as he lead the way to the place where you would rent the roller blades. We walked throw the little haft-way door and walked behind the bar and to a office off to the right "K, so gust wait here and let me get the manager so he can give you the interview" I gave him a small nod, and with that he walked out of the room, taking my breath with him. Wait did I really just say that?

When the door was fully closed I turned and looked around the room. It was a rather plain room, with light blue walls that held a few photos of the workers and people roller skating. There was a old desk with a rolley chair behind it, and two more normal wooden chairs in front of it. After inspecting the room, I took a set in one of the wooden chairs, and decided to just wait for whoever it was to come and talk to me. 

I ended up having to waited for about five minuets until a man with rainbow suspenders, a stripped yellow shirt, and a goofy grin walked in holding papers, and mumbling to himself about what he was going to have for lunch today with some guy he called Weems The Air Guitar King "Hello I am Sully, the manager, and you are?" His voice was joyful, and almost made me want to laugh.

"I'm Impala but you can just call me Pala" I said shaking his slightly sweaty hand. He smiled at me and started to ask me question about stuff like, why I would be qualified for this job -yeah dude because its so hard to work at a roller rink, and from the smile on his face I think that I was answering the questions right. 

"Well you obviously you have all the qualifications to work here but I have to ask.....why would a psychology student wanting a job here?" He asked still smiling that goofy smile.

" I need the know... bills" I say a bit awkwardly, hopping he wouldn't guess the real reason why.

He nodded like he understood, but gave me a knowing smile, almost as if he could tell I was lying "Okay then, the job is yours." He stood and opened the office door "You start on Monday at 5pm your shift will end at 9pm, you get weekends off. I know it's not long shifts, but we do this for all our workers that are in college. Oh, and if you can't come to work one day then please call first" I nodded, not internally sure of why he would even have to say this, why wouldn't I. I deiced to gust shrug it off.

As I walk out the door I say thank you and watch the door close behind me. I turn to walk away but walk start into something hard. Or rather, someone. As I fell to the ground I head the deep voice of the person that I ran into say "Oh god, are you okay?!"

I look up to see -you guessed it- Nate staring down at me. I gave a nerves laugh trying to cover up my embarrassment. "I'm fine, I'm fine" I say quietly, feeling the blush spread on my cheeks. So I quickly look away trying to not let him see.

He reached down and grabbed one of my hands and my elbow. "So I'll see you on Monday then?"

"um yeah." I say while being hosted to my feet by his strong firm hands.

When he let me go -which took a little longer then it should have now that I think about it- I started to walk way as fast as I can, felling complete embarrassed. He must think I'm a total cults-which I am but I try so hard to hide it. I think to myself. He tried to say bye but I was to far away to hear him. I walk out to my car and dig in my pocket for my keys, but they where missing.

Shit, I sigh and was about to turn around where I hear Nate calling after me "Hey Impala! Pala! Your keys!" My heart fluttered at the sound of him saying my name -shit why did I like him so frecking much it was just weird. "Hey" he said as he caught up to me. "I think you dropped your keys." He smiled and handed me the key's.

"Thanks" I say back, still slightly embarrassed.

He lets out a low whistle "This your car? Im more of a 78 Lincoln Mark V kinda guy, but this car is still sweet." He says with his eyebrows raised.

"Yea- well technically it's my big brother's but he's letting me use it, kinda" I said shyly

"That's a 67 Impala right?" He looks over my shoulder to further inspect the car.

"Yeah" I said, also looking at the beautiful pease of  machinery. 

He chuckled a little "Like your name?"

I looked away embarrassed "Yeah, I guess." I said a little to bitterly

He stuck his hands in the air like he was surrendering "Whoa, I didn't mean anything by it. I actually think it's kinda cool" he said with a smirk and I couldn't help but to smile. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice smile?"

I could feel myself start to blush so I did what I always do -witch is never good- I started to try to get away . "Um, I really need to get back, but um thanks for bringing my keys."

"Any time" he said as I reached for the car handle, but he beat me to it, and opened the car door for me. He waved his hand, motioning for me to get in. Once I was sitting in the car he shut the door, and I figured I should probably role down the window to thank him.

When the window was fully rolled down he leaned down, which he had to lean pretty far down sense he was so tall-, and rests his arms on the windowsill. "So I'll see you on Monday" he smiled at me, and I had to admit that smile was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"For sure." I smiles back at him and just as I started to roll up the window he asked "oh by the way what's your last name?"

What a strange thing to ask but I answered anyway "it Winchester"

He smiles "Impala Winchester, I can't wait to start to work with you."

As I pulled away I keep thinking about what he said. Was he flirting with me, was he gust being nice? I had no idea so when I got back to the apartment and saw that Tardis wasn't there, so I called the only person I thought could help me at this time.

I dialed the number, and then someone answered and said "Hello this is Dean Winchester what can I do for you?"

"Hey Dean it's Impala I need your help" I swallowed my nerves and said "its about guy trouble........"

Impala Winchester (A.U. human!Impala)Where stories live. Discover now