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3rd July: Silverstone Grand Prix

The first race back after the summer break was in Silverstone, Max was anxious to say the least. He had been out all day doing interviews and pre-race conferences with Sergio that he hadn't even seen Olivia all day. It was only an hour before his fight was supposed to start and Max's nerves were through the roof. He was never really anxious before a race, but he was leading the championship. It's a lot of pressure.

He convinced himself that Olivia wasn't going to show up today, that she had realized that she deserved better than him and left, until there was a knock at his door fifteen minutes before he was supposed to be out in the car.

"Oh thank God you're here, I was getting worried that you le-" Max said while opening the door, only to stop himself when he saw who was standing on the other side of the door.

"M-Mum." He cried out, pulling her into a hug, tears streaming down his face. His chest was shaking as he hugged her tightly, unable to control his emotions. When he finally pulled away, his mom used her sleeve to wipe the tears from under his eyes and held his chin, just like Olivia did just days prior.

"Hello, my love," she smiled at him, holding in her tears.

"Mum, h-how did you, w-what, I," Max couldn't form a coherent sentence due to the shock he was in, he was sure his mother wanted nothing to do with the formula one world.

"That lovely girlfriend of yours, she called a week ago, telling how much it would mean to have the family see you fight in the championship. She told me how far you've come and everything you've done for her." She smiled at max as he continued to cry. "I love you, max, more than you'll ever know."

Max didn't want to correct his mother and say that Olivia wasn't his girlfriend, because one day he hoped that she would be, "I love you too, mum, so much."

"You go out there and win, okay? And don't get too hurt, Victoria is out there, you know how nervous she gets watching." She laughed and Max's face brightened even more than before.

"She's here too?"

"Of course! We're all here, right in the front, again, all because of that wonderful girlfriend of yours."

"She is wonderful isn't she?" Max said in admiration and his mom nodded before wiping her eyes and placing her hand on Max's cheek.

"You've grown so much, Max, I'm so proud of you." She pinched his cheek and walked out of the room without another word, and Max knew those words were all he'd ever needed to hear.

"You ready, Max?" Olivia popped her head into Max's room and a huge smile spread across his face, she was managing to come to grand prixs easier now that Danny's races were numbered and Adam thought it was nice of her to support him.

And he's trying to win her over, and by doing so he's letting her do pretty much whatever she wants, "Of course I am. Now that you're here, my love." Max smiled, walking to her and kissing her softly. "Thank you. For everything. You do so much for me, I don't deserve such an amazing woman."

"Oh shush, now come on, you can't be late getting out there." Olivia said, taking his glove-clad hand and pulling him out of his drivers room before shouting good luck and going over to McLaren, as much as max didn't like it, she was covered in McLaren merchandise.

After patting his face dry with a towel due to the sweat, and pulling a cap on he was sat in his drivers room next to Olivia, his head on her shoulder as she played with his hair, his family walked through the door.

"Max, that was amazing! Well done!" His sister congratulated although Max wasn't happy with the result, one of the worst of the season coming in seventh.

"You did amazing out there Max." His mother said snapping a picture of the couple still seated on the couch with the camera around her neck.

"Yeah! You are going to have to take me karting!" His sister told him as their mothers eyes widened.

"No! no! No teaching any of that as long as I'm around, it's bad enough one of my babies is out there risking it, I don't need both of you going out and getting into cars at that speed ." She said as Max made his way off of the couch to hug his sister for the first time in what felt like a lifetime.

"Have you met, Olivia?" Max asked, pulling her close to his body after she walked up next to

"Yes, Max, I'm the one that brought them here remember? They're quite lovely, I have to say." She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

At the press conference that night, most of the questions asked were about how Max felt about leading the championship, or how seventh place felt today. However, the night took a turn when one of the final questions was asked.

"Max! Sebastian Vettel has gone on record saying 'he would love to race, well beat you, if you're not too scared to race the worlds youngest world champion' how do you feel about that?" A reporter asked him, Liv was stood over by Daniel because it looks suspicious if she was with max for long.

Sebastian Vettel was a topic of the couple's conversations for the last week, he had caused a lot of media stirring when it came to battling Max, saying that "Max wasn't the great racer he'd been portrayed as, and it was time for a real driver to put him in his place." The problem was he was ruthless in his prime, he wasn't scared to shove someone off the track if he had to.

Olivia told max multiple times not to comment about it and don't let him get under his skin, she wanted nothing to do with him racing him, it wasn't healthy for him, nor was it safe. Just because seb wasn't racing anymore doesn't mean that he isn't still in his prime, Daniel has assured me he is.

"I say bring it on, wherever, whenever." Max said simply and clearly, ignoring the glare Olivia was giving him. A tear fell down her cheek at the thought of what might happen during that race, it would be harder to watch than the one she had just witnessed and that was hard enough. She tried to get his attention, but he wouldn't look at her, he was scared to, he didn't want to disappoint her, he wanted her to be proud of him, just like she was after the race today.

After the press conference, Olivia was livid. She wouldn't speak to Max about anything of importance and the few words she did say to him were, "I'm going to Monaco, to my apartment, tonight."

They both laid in their beds that night, awake and feeling lonely countries apart. Except Olivia wasn't completely alone, Adam was home and making life miserable once more.

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