forty four

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There he stood, dressed in a classic white t shirt and jeans that he is definitely too hot in for this weather,though it was plastered to his body, he must've walked here in the rain,  people always assume it's cold in the winter, but it isn't the winter here, "Did you tell him to come here Danny.." I asked him suddenly very self conscious of my greasy hair and eye bags.

Daniel didn't have a chance to say anything before a small child ran out from in front of max into the garden, a little girl, Heidi gasped at asked him, well threatened him "Please tell me she isn't yours."

Max chuckled a little "Oh god no, no that's my half sister, Blue Jaye." I hadn't heard of her before, I knew Jos was married again after being with Max's mother so it made sense he had more children.

But I didn't even know about this half sibling, how could we possibly have gotten engaged? I nodded looking to her, she must've been like seven or eight, maybe nine, I had no idea, my heart was hammering in my chest, even more so when the sky began thundering loudly, rain suddenly falling.

"Good day blue, I'm Danny. Let's go inside." Daniel told the girl and took her inside the house, she didn't speak perfect English but understood what he was saying sort of and followed them inside, they wanted to get out of the rain immediately. I wanted to greet her too but my mind prevented the words coming out.

Heidi trailed behind Daniel and blue, leaving max and I in the garden whilst the sky continued to thunder, "What are you doing here?" I asked him, breaking the ice. A loud clap of thunder shook the house and I jumped slightly, max taking a step closer to me.

"You don't like thunderstorms." He answered, I tilted my head confused, "you walked here in the rain because I don't like thunderstorms?"
He hesitated for a second, looking away, frowning slightly. Then he looked back at me and said simply, "yes."

He paused, his expression was pained, "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but I just thought if I could sit on Danny's porch you wouldn't be scared, you wouldn't feel as alone."

Oh God.

I couldn't help it, my face crumpled and I started to cry. Max took a tentative step closer and silently asked me for permission as he looked into my eyes. I nodded to him, acknowledging his unspoken question, and he took me in his arms and pressed me to him.

I brought my arms up around him and buried my face in his neck, breathing in his clean, rainy scent. I cried silently in his arms for several minutes as he held me, rubbing circles on my back, his warm breath on my ear, his drenched clothing soaking me too. For those few minutes, I was oblivious to the thunder and rain coming down noisily.

I sniffled to him a few minutes later, not wanting to move from him ever, "You shouldn't be here, treating me this nicely, I've embarrassed you.. it's so bad max, I did so bad."

He looked me in the eyes shaking his head, "No, no I shouldn't have done it like that. In front of everyone, that's a lot of pressure on you. I didn't think- look, we don't have to talk about it." He never tells me I'm wrong, it's always his fault not mine, which cuts deeper into my heart more and more.

"Good." I replied taking in this moment, why did I say no to this man? The one who would brave a storm to fucking hug me, "I find it hard to believe you're here for no reason though.."

"Who says I am?," he paused "I kind of wanted to show Blue around, I'm thinking of fighting my dad for custody of her and my brother... from how you talk about this place I thought they'd come here with me...and you."

"Max." I whispered to him, not removing my arms from his neck as I continued to hold him close, despite the rain it wasn't cold out, if anything it was the opposite and max was practically overheating me, but I wouldn't dare move.

He sighed, whispering back to me, "Liv, it's okay, I promise-

"It's not okay, it's not fucking okay, I'm an idiot, I don't want us to end max, I don't want that- I just, I don't think I'm ready for that yet... It hasn't got anything to do with you, it's all my problem." I rambled to him, chattering my teeth now as the rain was sticking to my body in a uncomfortable way.

He nodded, "I get it liv, I'm not mad at you." He seemed more like he didn't want to talk about it, but he was here now and I couldn't help myself.

"Promise me? Okay, promise? I feel awful max. I've felt awful, people online keep reminding me, I've embarrassed you in front of-

His chin was resting comfortably on my head, his arm tightly around my body as he held me closer "I'm not mad at you, I promise." He said, no emotion to his voice as we stood there.

"I just-

"Liv," he breathed "Can we enjoy this moment, just for a moment. All I've heard ads the words engagement and proposal from practically everyone, you're my relaxation. Let me relax."

We were different people now, the difference within us in just a few days was immense. Our relationship was being pulled apart and inspected by every news outlet online, people were sending death threats and wishing horrendous things on me and it was a lot.

Max was getting the same amount for just being with me, and he wouldn't tell me that but I knew. It was out there, "I don't know what you want to do about this, if you even want to be with me anymore." I whispered to him, watching the rain around us as we refused to move not caring about the colds we were definitely about to get.

"Another time liv, let's talk about it another time," he paused kissing the top of my head "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

I nodded to him, quietly muttering "I am."

And with that simple response he let me go and walked back into the house, I peered his direction kind of scared of all of the thoughts left unsaid, I found the smile he had hidden earlier when he looked to his little sister, it was small but weak, but it was enough to make mine break free in return.

Daniel looked to Max, "Hold on to her mate, for as long as time lets you."

"I will." Max's words brushed my heart, they must have assumed I couldn't hear them past the sliding glass doors.

I looked to him, finding those blue eyes smiling at me with a devotion I had never experienced or imagined being on the receiving end of this year, I felt a warmth in my chest, pounding and expanding with every passing second under his gaze out drenched in the rain, "This is the woman I had planned on spending the rest of my life with, I'm not giving up anytime soon."

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