twenty seven

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liked by 52,456,823 people olivialaurent: time to start dressing like a mrs 🖤

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liked by 52,456,823 people
olivialaurent: time to start dressing like a mrs 🖤


adelinebonnet: um hello? what have you done with my bestie? 🤤😍

username76: holy shit

adamlaurent: wtf is this liv
➡️ comment deleted


I kept walking away, up yet another flight of stairs, I really need to start working out, "I'm too busy Adam, sorry, some other time." I told him as I hurried away.

"Liv!," he yelled "If busy is taking fucking photos of yourself to look like a little slut on social media then think again."

"Looks like I'm not busy then." I joked back still walking away, as fast as my legs could carry me, "Some other time."

"You said you'd give me a week before you starting going fucking crazy again." He threatened holding his finger up to me like I'm a little child, "You said you'd give me a fair chance for a week."

"It's been two weeks, but I'm glad the wedding date is important to you." I grimaced, walking closer to my room, I'd been coerced to share a house with him but I would not settle for my own bedroom.

He rolled his eyes, "I can't believe you." He waited for a response that he didn't get so he continued "At the wedding, when you came in, max hurried in right before. You we're screwing him while I waited for you weren't you."

My eyes went so wide I actually laughed, cackled even, "I'm not you Adam, but that's a funny fucking thought."

"What the hell do you mean you're not me?" He asked, his tone was harsh and his face showed straight up irritation.

"Well, you have a penis and-

He rolled his eyes, "Don't be smart, you meant something by that. What are you accusing me of now?"

"Well, I had a delightful little text this morning from a woman named Cindy, do you remember her Adam? Brunette, big boobs?" I said turning to face him, pulling my phone out and showing him a photo of her.


"Oh so you do, funny that." I told him, she'd reached out to me saying that Adam had slept with her the day before the wedding which isn't all that shocking.

He shrugged, "It was a one off, at least I didn't invite my hookup to the wedding."

I scoffed at his statement, "You know for a fact I had no control over who came to the wedding, my parents weren't even there Adam."

He shook his head, "Doesn't matter he was there."

"You fucking invited him!" I yelled back to him, how could it possibly be my fault he showed up if he invited him in the first place "In fact you invited the whole grid, you might as well of had Toto Wolff officiate it you're so obsessed."

"Oh please."

I gave him a look and turned my back on him again, walking across, well running to my room across the hallway and locking the door as soon as I entered, "Real mature Liv, I wasn't going to hit you."

"This time." I replied, I was doing my best to make him angry so that he would decide to leave me and I could be out of his life altogether, but I also didn't want to die in the process.

"Fuck you Olivia!" He shouted, bashing his fists against the door and I knew what I had to do, I took a video of him banging the door and shouting cuss words at me to send to the lawyer team. Anything they could use would be a help.

henry 🧐
is this recent?

right now

henry 🧐
Liv I'm going to ask you to do something I have feeling you won't like.

go on

henry 🧐
How are your dramatic acting skills?


Frantic, I ran up to the doorstep, my hand on my chest as I listened to my heartbeat, wild and rapid sounding. I tried to regain breathe as the door swung open, I didn't know my neighbours all that well but they knew of me, "Olivia Laurent! What happened? Are you alright?"


I kept panting hard, "Please let me in! Please! I need help! I can't- I can't stay out here! He will find me." As soon as they heard my desperate pleas they allowed me into their home, which was just as nice as ours was.

"What's happening?" My neighbour asked, her and her husband were probably in their mid thirties and had a toddler running around in the living room, "You look awful for someone so beautiful."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I was so scared I just- I ran wherever I could, I had to get away from him." I continued, closing my eyes and sitting on their couch as the woman sat next to me gently.

"Do you mind telling us what's going on?" The husband asked, rightly so. He had his hand on his hip and the other clutching a phone, ready to call someone.


"Oh god! My husband- my husband- he's mad at me and," I paused squirming "He gets real angry sometimes, I ran as fast as I could!"

"Deep breathe," the woman told me stroking my back "Your here now, what would Adam have done to you Olivia?"

they know his name.

I shook my head, allowing tears to fall from my eyes and then they knew, "Olivia... does he ever hit you?" The man asked, 000 already dialled on his phone, the equivalent to 999 just in Australia.

I nodded slowly, covering my face and not giving too much away like Henry had advised, he'd told me to open the door to Adam and run past him and out to the closest neighbours and cry until they called a police station.

The police would only give him a warning today because he's Adam Laurent and everyone loves him, but then when arresting him for good that will come up on his records, so then court knows for sure that he'd been a menace.

"Oh it's okay," the woman comforted, "Everything is going to be alright, we are going to get you help dear."

If anything today restored my faith in humanity, my neighbours that id never really spoken to Sara and Chris were both very sweet and listened to me straight away, I can only hope lawyers, a judge and the world could do the same.

And thankfully it wasn't long until I was hearing sirens.

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