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Madeline's POV:

I walk in on Bette and Dot performing their act for the show, and so far, it has been unsuccessful. Bette was singing like a dying cat, "We'll have to find something else for you to do."

Bette, "Like what?" Elsa, "Juggling. Doesn't matter" Desiree, she is new. She is a woman who is married to the strongest man, she is known to have three boobs, she is a complete hermaphrodite.

Desiree, "What? What do you mean it "doesn't matter? They're our headliners!" Elsa, "Hardly that! They are my warm-up act. It doesn't matter that they're good. They have two heads."

Bette, "Please, Miss Elsa. We don't want to just stand here and be stared at. It's embarrassing" Desiree stands up, "Me and Dell. We saw this act down in Mexico. This señorita could shoot ping pong balls right out of her *thing*

No one said anything, "What? At least I'm trying to come up with something." Jimmy, "What about Dot?" Bette, "Dot doesn't have any talent" She smiles as Dot gives, "That's true. I don't even know that song."

I say, "So, sing something else. Something that you do know." Jimmy, "Pretend like nobody's here. Go on. Give it a try." And, they do indeed give it a try. Dot begins to sing, as Desiree plays the piano.

The strongest man yells, "Not bad. That'll go over real nice tomorrow" Elsa asks, "What? Has the curfew been lifted already?" Strong man, "But we're not gonna let that stop us. 3:00 matinee every day."

Both Desiree and her husband are annoying me. They haven't been here the whole time, so what gives them the right to try and come in and run the show? They are not Elsa Mars, and they never will be.

"Until the curfew's lifted, "Matinee?" Folks can come see the show, be home in time for Uncle Miltie" Elsa denies his request, "Nein. No matinees. People don't come to see freaks in the hear of the day, they come in the evening."

Elsa, "When the darkness moves in and speaks of mystery. The unknown. When logic loosens it's vice grip and the imagination comes out to play. Night allows the stars to shine and we come alive."

She laughs, "No. Daytime is for kiddie shows. Clowns and kewpie dolls. Maybe that's what you're used to, but you're in a real freak show now. My freak show!"

Desiree becomes firm, "Dell, listen to the lady. She's your boss now" I knew she meant to say it in a stern matter, but it came of more as jokingly in a 'not serious' tone.

He stupidly replies with, "No lady is the boss of me" When he said that one line, that is when I discovered his personality and who he is as a person. He is a fucking asshole, and I cannot stand him in the slightest.

He also made me realize what is wrong with society currently. Not only are we looked down upon because we are freaks, but the men seem to think that they are above it all, and possess all the power. It's a load of horse shit if you ask me.

Jimmy stands up, "Why don't we go outside and calm down, huh?" He pushes him away, and Bette gasps. Desiree stands firm. I lose it and I say, "Get your fucking hands off of him, or the next thing you'll see is your head exploding like a fucking zit."

He backs off after my threat. He says, "Enough of this. I'm gonna go into town. Post some bills" he puts his hat on and leaves. He yells, "There will be paying asses in these seats tomorrow! Curtain goes up at 3:00"

I look to Elsa when he does, and I think to myself, 'Don't do it, Elsa.' Thankfully, she doesn't say a word, and instead gives a quiet laugh and a smile, "That man is going to be a problem." I nod my head agreeing with her.

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