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Madeline's POV:

It was a bright sunny day, I had a good feeling about it- but that all went away when I saw Dandy walked towards our campsites. He shot Paul in the head, who fell to the ground.

Penny and I jumped, we realized that with him around-we are in danger. Elsa could not protect us anymore, as she only cared about herself, we were now on our own, on our own to protect ourselves.

I went and hid in my trailer, I locked the door very quietly. I kept myself silent as I heard his footsteps approaching. I heard another shot from the gun that he used.

He hummed as he walked right past my unsuspecting trailer, I heard one more shot, and then another. One by one they went down. I covered my ears and tried not to scream as Dandy continued on his murdering spree of killing people.

I was afraid to move, afraid to do anything, because I feared that he was still out there, waiting to kill more of us. I then hear shouts, "Elsa? Elsa!" It sounds like just like Jimmy's voice.

I hear him yell, "Is anybody home?" That is when I seek my chance. I get out of my hiding spot, out of my trailer, and I run as fast as I can to him, "Jimmy! Jimmy?" He hears my voice, "Madeline!"

We lock eyes and we hug tightly, "What happened?" He asks me, "Dandy thinks that he is in charge now. He went on a shooting rampage. Killed anyone who was in front of him. I don't know who is alive or dead, but I hid, and that is how I am here."

He hugs me, "I'm so glad you're okay" We walk together into the big tent, where we saw the dead body of Penny. We shout, "No!" Penny's body then Paul, Suzie and Evie's.

Almost everyone we knew, was now gone. All because of Dandy. They were all lined up, in the order that the psycho murdered them in. It was like a big long snake that curved it's way from center stage to the entrance of the tent.

We made sure to close their eyes, as Desiree approached. We all hugged as we sobbed. It was the most awful sight that I've ever seen in my life. The freak show became a sight of a horrible massacre.

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