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Madeline's POV:

It was later that day when Jimmy decided to treat us all to lunch at a local diner in town, "Excuse me, miss?" She smiled when she recognized his voice, "You're back."

But the smile disappeared when she saw all of us, "Yes ma'am. And I brought some friends this time." Poor Jimmy. As innocent as he is, he didn't see the harm in his own actions, he was simply too adorable for his own good.

She asks, "What do you want?" Jimmy, "This is a diner, ain't it? We're hungry. And we want to be served." I got a bad feeling about this whole thing.

I helped the girl with no legs into a seat, we smile at each other as we take our seats. She likes to believe that she is independent, and we allow her to be, but I know a little help can go a far way sometimes.

I sit between her and Jimmy, as I announce, "Remember, everyone. Manners matter" Jimmy, "Use your forks. Napkins on the lap" They did as we told them to do, and Paul respectfully took off his hat.

People stared at us like the show that we are. A woman asks, "Excuse me?" We all look at her, "Is there any place else you can eat? You're upsetting my daughter" I look at the girl beside her, she did indeed display an expression of sour.

Jimmy, "Well, I'm sure she'd love the show if she saw it. Tell the ticket lady Jimmy sent you." We turn back to face the counter, "We're ready to order now."

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