07 | risky business

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Jung Jaehyun
Reaching in 5! Sorry I'm late. Got held back in class.

Chaerin locks her phone after replying with a simple no worries!, opting to stare at the scenery before her while she waits.

Both her and Jaehyun had struggled to agree on a fixed date to meet up despite her currently being on her term break, but Jaehyun is a law student and his clinical programs would take up most of his time if he's not out busking in the streets of Hongdae.

Chaerin figures that's just something she would have to come to terms with if she's going to date someone whose schedule is always packed.

Despite her prior excitement to seeing the older boy again, she now feels uncertainty wash over her at the sudden thought. Of course, she's far from making things official with Jaehyun, and her wariness of even settling down with someone is still loud and clear in her mind— but the thought of it actually being possible scares her a little bit. She's not blaming him for being such a busy person— if anything, she respects his commitment to his tasks, but would she be able to handle it?


Chaerin snaps out of her reverie as she turns to face Jaehyun, his cheeks rosy due to the slightly chilly weather. The first thing she sees is the bouquet of flowers in his hands, and Jaehyun seems to notice as he gives her a meek smile.

"Got these for you. Sorry again, for being late." He hands her the bouquet, Chaerin instantly accepting it into her arms. She only hopes the blush on her cheeks isn't giving her away.

"It's okay. Thanks." She beams at him, taking in a whiff of the assortment of roses and baby's breath. It smells of spring. "How was class?" She asks as they begin the walk down the stretch next to the Han River.

"It was alright. My first court date is coming up so things are getting a little busier. And stressful," Jaehyun exhales. "The attorney I'm working with is kind of an intense guy. It's really sinking in on me, you know? I'm actually going to be representing an actual client soon. I mean, I know it's gonna be under supervision, but still."

"Hey, you're gonna do great. Don't stress it," Chaerin assures him. "It's awesome what you're doing. I'm really happy for you."

Jaehyun gives her a dimpled smile. "How about you? What have you been doing?"

She shrugs, turning to look at the calm water as they come to a stop by the railings. "Nothing much. I've just been helping my mom out at the café, catching up on sleep..." she lists, trying to recall if there's anything else she's done over the past two weeks. Her days haven't really been eventful lately, especially when she's been spending them all in the kitchen of the café experimenting with new recipes for the menu. Jaemin would come in to help occasionally, but more often than not wouldn't last more than half and hour before he gets himself kicked out for being too annoying.

Donghyuck hasn't been stopping by either, and Yena says it's because the hockey team is busy preparing for the first match of the season that's coming up.

Not that Chaerin cares, of course. She just happened to hear her roommate rant about how much she misses her boyfriend.

If anything, it's good news seeing as she's finally getting some peace after getting tormented by Lee Donghyuck every other day. She hasn't talked to him since the last time he came into the café, the same day the boy Hanbin-

Oh, right. Hanbin.

It's not like Chaerin had forgotten— the boy had made quite the impression when he approached her while she was reading her book, shyly telling her that he had read the same book some time back and that it was actually one of his favourites.

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