25 | then, now and forever

817 45 2

"Where are you going?"

"Huh? Chaerin looks up to see four pairs of eyes stare at her. "Out?"

"Who with? Where to?" Yena asks eagerly, and Chaerin gives her a look.

"That never mattered to you until today. Why the sudden change?"

"Maybe because you didn't come home last night and we're all worried for you?"

She turns to Mark. "No offence, but this whole concerned parent gimmick isn't working out for you two. Also, you don't even live here."

Mark nods solemnly. "Exactly."

Chaerin suppresses a deep sigh. "Okay. Well, have fun standing around in my kitchen... or whatever it is you guys were doing."

"We're planning a farewell party for Haechan!" Sera pipes in. "So we need your help to bring him here once you guys are done," she adds, earning herself a not-so-subtle nudge from Jaemin.

"Ah, this is what this is, isn't it?" Chaerin scoffs humourlessly. "You guys think I'm going out with him."

"Literally and figuratively, yes," Mark says bluntly, and this time Yena elbows his side.

"Oh, you would know, wouldn't you?" Chaerin shoots him a glare. "Nosy ass."

The bespectacled boy merely shrugs, not even bothering to refute her statement.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but Haechan and I aren't together." Yet, she adds in her head. "I don't even know why you guys would think that."

"Seriously! You guys literally ki-"

"What? No, we didn't. Dude, you're imagining things." Chaerin turns to Yena. "Yens, I think your boyfriend is broken."

Her roommate looks at her with raised brows.

"Anyways, I'm off. See you guys later." Chaerin quickly excuses herself, not wanting to deal with any more of her friends' pressing questions. Plus, Donghyuck is already downstairs waiting for her.

And as expected, there he is, leaning against his car with his attention on his phone, focused on typing something. He pockets it when he sees her approaching, a wide grin making its way to his lips.

"Hey, gorgeous," Haechan murmurs, pulling her in by the waist to peck her lips. His fingers rest on her sides when they part, eyes taking in her outfit.

When he had sent her home just now morning, he had told her to dress comfortably for their date later. Now, Chaerin is decked in a large fleece button-down paired with some baggy pants, and despite her simple choice of outfit, she still looks the most beautiful to him.

"Are you done checking me out?" She asks with raised brows, and Haechan mirrors her expression.

"Hm, I don't know. Maybe another kiss would help me with that?"

"Nice try." Chaerin rolls her eyes jokingly as she gets into the passenger seat, Haechan taking his place behind the wheel. "By the way, I only narrowly managed to escape them earlier. They're on to us."

"Yeah?" Haechan laughs airily. He knew Mark had set off earlier to meet Yena, so it doesn't surprise him that Chaerin had had to deal with their interrogating. "What did you say?"

"I had to gaslight him. Don't think it worked," she mumbles. "Point is, I managed to leave before he found out. Still think this is a good idea, smartypants?"

"Hey, you're in on this as much as I am!" He protests, earning himself yet another eye roll from the girl.

They ease into a comfortable silence, and Haechan glances to his side to see Chaerin staring out of the window. She's humming along to the tune playing from the stereo, her fingers mindlessly drumming her lap. Just last week, they were in the same position, driving to Songpa Naru but with a certain tension lingering in the air. Now, however, it's different. It's lighter, freer, and overall just so, so pleasant that Haechan couldn't stop himself from reaching out his right hand, interlocking their fingers together.

Catch-22, HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now