22 | to live and let go

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Yena grins into the mirror as she admires the artwork painted on her cheek, courtesy of Sera.

It's game day, and the three roommates (plus Jaemin) are huddled in the kitchen to prepare. Of course, Yena is the most ecstatic out of them all— Chaerin has never seen her so passionate about a sport— already decked in Mark's jersey with a small lion painted on her left cheek.

"Chae, you're next!"

Chaerin looks up from her phone. "What do you mean I'm next? Is that a threat?"

"I meant, I'm painting your face next, silly!" Sera giggles.

Chaerin frowns. This isn't her first hockey game, obviously. Back when she was with Jeno, she had never missed a single one— even going as far as to paint the numbers 2 and 3 on each of her cheeks. But that was because he was her boyfriend, and even though she didn't particularly have an interest in the sport, what kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn't at least show her support, right?

But it's different now, isn't it? The only reason she's going is because... well, because Donghyuck.

They had stayed in the park yesterday until well over midnight, neither of them making a move to leave until it started getting too cold. It was nice, having Donghyuck so close to her as they stared silently at the body of water before them with no words exchanged— they didn't need to. Having his hand in hers was more than enough.

And when he finally sent her home, parting with a hug so tight, the following words escaped his lips.

"You'll come tomorrow. Right, Cherry?"

He didn't even need to ask.

Now today, Chaerin finds herself in her old taekwondo jersey that shares the same red and blue as the Dinosaurs, feeling jittery for so many reasons.

It could just be her nerves from yesterday still lingering in her system, or maybe it's the fact that she's just worried sick about Lee Donghyuck, wondering if he's doing okay.

"Ooh, you could paint a 6 on each cheek," Jaemin suggests, and Chaerin gives him an eyeroll.

"Good idea, Jaem. One more on my forehead and the ritual would be complete," she mutters sarcastically.

"I got an idea!" Sera pipes in, picking up the brush once more before dipping it in yellow paint.

Chaerin eyes her warily. She feels the cold liquid on her skin when Sera begins the first stroke, the shape of a circle, before moving on to draw multiple short strokes all around.

"What the hell are you doing?" She tries to pull away, but the younger holds her still by the neck. "Sera, I swear if you're drawing a hairy balls-"

"Done!" The younger chirps, pulling back with a huge smile on her face. Yena shoves a mirror into her hand, and Chaerin stares at her reflection.

A few beats of silence passes.

"What the hell is that?"

"A sun?" Sera answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "For number 66 Lee Haechan, whose skill shines so bright like a full sun."

Chaerin purses her lips. The uneven yellow spiral looks more like a fucked up caterpillar than the centre of the planet, and if not for the orange triangles that circles around it, she doubts anyone would be able to tell what it's supposed to be.

But Sera looks proud of her artwork, as does Jaemin, and Yena is already giving her a look that screams just drop it already, so Chaerin forces out a smile. "I love it. Thanks, Sera."

Sera smiles gleefully as she begins to pack up her paintbrushes, the group dispersing to get ready to leave. Chaerin stays put, her phone still in her hand. She unlocks it, and her messaging thread with Donghyuck pops up on the screen.

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