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The next day.

Joshua wakes up slowly, does his morning routine and heads for his bus stop. He sees the dreaded gang that attracts everyone...

" Don't be afraid..." Says Seungcheol with a wry smile at the corners of his lips.

" I said what Choi, I'm not afraid of you.."

" Then why are you standing behind the stop ? Scaredy-cat."

" Because your shitty smoke, is getting to me and it's disgusting."

" Little nature. "

" You little slut. "

" I beg your pardon ? "

Joshua swallows his saliva with difficulty, and Seungcheol approaches him with a look that's meant to be threatening, but someone prevents him from going any further.

" Self-control Cheol. "

" Han. "

" You wait quietly for the bus here, I'm lazy to fight this morning. "

Joshua thanks Jeonghan inwardly, taking the opportunity to look at him, his blond hair standing out divinely against his hazel eyes even though most people he knows have eyes like that. Joshua finds that Jeonghan's eyes reflect something special like the other three, their eyes are simple, with a hint of odd color in their pupils, Joshua finds this fascinating. The bus eventually arrives, he settles in and puts on his headphones, he sees someone sitting next to him he turns and sees Jeonghan, he questions him with his eyes.

" What, you want my picture, it'll last longer. "

" Shut the fuck up, if it's for say bullshit there's no point in you opening it. "

" Don't talk to me like that."

" I'll talk to you any way I want, if you're not happy, get out."

" This is the only seat left. And I'm too lazy to stand. "

" Of course you are. "

Joshua exhales in displeasure, rolls his eyes and puts his head against the window, letting himself be lulled to sleep by the melody in his ears. After a while, he receives a slap on his thigh and wakes up with a start...

" What the hell's wrong with you ?! " Joshua shouts

" You had to wake up, sleeping beauty. "

With that, he got off the bus, Joshua following in his footsteps. Well, not completely, he stopped with his friends...

" Aren't you diving into your reading..." Chan asks.

" No, I'm hallucinating." Joshua replies, rubbing his thigh.

" Like ? "

" Like, Jeonghan being a Vampire who saves me from a potential rapist but then verbally assaults me afterwards. "

" Wow, that sounds real..." Chan says sarcastically

" Yes, I feel like investigating, it sounds strange to me. " Joshua replied, not having taken Chan's tone into account.

" Let's do it together, it'll give me a chance to get closer to Seungcheol..."

" You're a pain, Chan ! "

" And besides, let's imagine it's a dream, because that's the most rational thing, why Jeonghan ? Do you like him ? " Asks Hansol

" Huh, what but no, blonds don't interest me and a personality like his to put up with daily for pity's sake no. "

A little further on, the four unattainables

Jeonghan is slumped on the low wall, still smoking with his friends, except for Minghao, who's stopped for two years now...

" Did you hear Han ? "

" Yes, and ? "

" He's not interested in you..."

" Good thing I'm not interested in him either. "

" I won't even give you a week to change your mind. "

" I wouldn't change my mind, I'd never love him. "

Suddenly a tingling came over Jeonghan's arm, he looked at it and sighed.

" Is that a new letter ? "

" Hmm, it bothers me because the more letters appear, the more I feel connected to Joshua."

" Is that so unpleasant ? "

" Hell yes ! I don't like it. And I don't like him. "

" If it's really him, you won't have a choice, you'll have to help protect him. "

" I'll let him die."

" Except that if he's your soulmate you need him. "

" I don't fucking want to think about it right now, I really don't. Otherwise, what are your Cheol letters ? "

" Le.Ch."

" Doesn't that sound like Lee Chan ? Joshua's best friend." asks Jun.

" Interesting, he's kind of cute. " Retorts Seungcheol with a gentle smile.

" You've both found your soulmates." Says Jun.

" He's not my soulmate, I don't want him to be." growls Jeonghan.

"You'll be one very soon anyway, and you'll have to protect him. "

Jeonghan grunts in displeasure once again, yes every vampire has his soulmate noted with initials on his wrist since recently Jeonghan suspects that Joshua is his soulmate even if he refuses to admit it, at some point he'll have to protect the younger one. Why does he have to protect him ? Because Jeonghan's vampiric elders are out to get him. If Jeonghan doesn't fulfill his mission to protect the youngest, his elders will be forced to kill Joshua, and since a vampire is connected to his soulmate, Jeonghan will die too. So Jeonghan will do everything in his power to protect the youngest, even if he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to die.

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