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2 years later

Jeonghan and Joshua take a stroll through the palace's flower-filled gardens. It's become a ritual for them to wander around this idyllic spot. This time, however, they are accompanied by their friends.

" Jeonghan..."

" Yes, Hao ? "

" In the end I really did the right thing in choosing Joshua as your soulmate you are beautiful together. "

" It's true that we're really good together, thank you for that. "

" You had a right to happiness hyung and I knew Joshua was the best person for you. "

" You were right, besides Hao it's time you knew it. "

Jeonghan rolls up his sleeve, revealing a purplish mark marked "JunHao".

" Oh, is that so ? "

" Yes, I was the one who chose Jun, for you back then. "

" Thank you so much. You literally chose the best person for me ! "

Minghao comes over to hug his eldest to support his thanks.

" I thank you too, Jeonghan hyung. " Jun says, a gentle smile on his lips, as the young man adds to the hug...

" I thank you Jeonghan for being part of my life. " Joshua says, adding to the hug. Jun pulls away from the embrace to tell the truth.

" Well, since it's revelation time..."

" Hmm ? " Jeonghan is intrigued.

" Seungcheol I'm the one who chose Chan for you..."

" At what point ? " Seungcheol asks.

" Your fucking loving look at him, do you think I didn't notice ?! And I know for a fact that you've been interested in him since the very moment you set your eyes on his person. "

" Hey ! Don't expose me like that ! "

The boys explode with laughter, then Chan comes over and gives his lover a huge hug. Seungcheol returns the embrace.

" Human beings after we're not helped by vampires makes sense to me. "

" Think again Hansol, a vampire can help a human if he wants to. "

Seungcheol shows his arm with "Verkwan" written on it...

" How did you know ? "

" We've always kept an eye on your group, and I noticed you had more than friendly looks towards each other nevertheless no one moved their ass to go to the other so I linked you. "

" Thank you very much hyung."

" You're welcome it's my pleasure. "

Seungkwan tries to escape as the conversation turns to him and Hansol and it makes him shy, though he tries his eldest, who holds him tightly, prevents him from leaving. Jeonghan looks at the little couple, a gentle smile on his lips.

" You are very cute. "

" Thank you Jeonghan hyung..."

" To think we've all been living here for two years already. "

" Yeah, what's this all about again ? "

" Um from my books and the fact that Jeonghan saved me one night from a potential rapist. "

Jeonghan sits down in the flowers, taking Joshua with him, the youngest landing on his lap. The eldest's head nestles in the hollow of Joshua's neck.

" You're really cute now."

" You're like that with Jun too."

" Hmm after when we really love the person our heart becomes as fluffy as a marshmallow. "

Suddenly a grunt is heard, Joshua is no longer on Jeonghan's lap but standing, his hand on the back of her neck.

" Stop biting me without fucking warning. "

" Your smell is too attractive too. Come back here I'm not done drinking your blood. "

" You already did that to me yesterday, you're not going to do that to me every day ! Your shit takes all my energy. "

The others laugh softly.

" Some things don't change. "

" They went from Hate to Love"

" I'd say more Hate with love." Says Seungcheol as he watches his two cadets from his year bicker.

All the boys decide to leave and let the bride and groom deal with their problem alone.

" Shuji, the others have gone, come back to my lap. "

" This has nothing to do with the others. "

Jeonghan sighs, then manages to grab Joshua's hand and pull him onto his lap once more. Joshua starts gesticulating to extricate himself from Jeonghan's arms, but Jeonghan holds him firmly, the younger man finally lets go and decides to settle himself properly between his husband's arms.

" I forbid you to suck me."

" Okay as you wish Shuji. "

The elder's hands gently make their way under the smaller boy's top, his fingertips tenderly caressing his lover's soft skin and resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder all the same.

" To think we used to hate each other. "

" I still hate you. "

" Hey ! Why did you agree to marry me then ? "

" Because otherwise I'd be dead. "

" Is our marriage just a survival pact for you ? "

" What else seriously ? "

" I'm taking this the wrong way. "

" You know I'm kidding Hannie. I'm crazy about you and my life without you is meaningless. "

" I prefer it that way. I need you too Joshuji, you're my energy, my source of happiness, you make my joy. "

Joshua smiles softly and closes his eyes to fully appreciate his elder's touch on his skin. They're definitely good and happy that their hatred has turned into love, pure and sincere.

♥︎-The end-♥︎

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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