Bonus / 🤭

570 12 16

Jeonghan and Joshua eventually returned to the palace after a good chat, then went to eat with the others and now found themselves in their room. The ace locked the door and pressed Joshua against it, kissing without restraint the neck and collarbone of the one he loved.

Joshua have his eyes closed and his hands traveling through the older man's hair, Joshua moans softly as Jeonghan sucks at his skin, licking at his sensitive spot.

" Can I get my dessert now ? Can I sink my teeth into your skin and suck your blood ? "

Joshua nods and tilts his head to the side to give his husband more access, and he doesn't hesitate a second longer, finally sinking his fangs into Joshua's soft, tender skin and beginning to drink his soulmate's blood. Joshua begins to moan more and more, and ends up pushing Jeonghan away when the pleasure becomes too intense.

" What's happening ? "

" Let's get on the bed."

Jeonghan smiles wryly and urges Joshua to jump, the younger man does and that's how he ends up with his legs wrapped around the blond's waist, and with his mouth against the ace's. The kisses are as hot as embers.

The ace finally deposits his husband on the conjugal bed and comes over it, placing many kisses on his lover's face. Then he undoes his youngest's top and drops kisses all over Joshua's torso.

The latter lets a sigh of relief escape from his mouth and lets his hands roam through the ace's hair.

" Shuji-ah, can I take off your pants and underwear ? "

" Yes, but I don't want to be the only one naked please."

" No, don't worry. Go ahead and take off my top."

Jeonghan winks at Joshua and raises his arms to the sky, the younger man straightens slightly and removes his husband's T-shirt, then at the same time takes the opportunity to place a few kisses on his lover's torso and suck and lick his ace's skin a few times.

The ace moans a few times, then when he gets himself together he decides to finally remove Joshua's excess clothing. Joshua stops his gentle torture and removes his lover's clothes too, leaving both men completely naked.

Jeonghan slowly gets up from Joshua's body and goes to look for something, Joshua immediately understands that his eldest wants to take things to the next level, so he presses his chest against the mattress and waits for his lover to come back, who soon arrives.

" Just because we're vampires doesn't mean we can't protect ourselves, does it ? "

" Hmm, it's my first time Jeonghan, be gentle with me."

" Like always."

Joshua rolls his eyes and this makes Jeonghan laugh, the elder presents his fingers to the younger and the latter starts sucking them, once this is well wet, Jeonghan retrieves them and inserts one into Joshua this one grunts, he takes a pillow and digs his nails in.

He tells Jeonghan that he can put a second one in, so Jeonghan does and starts scissoring to relax Joshua as much as possible.

" Ahn ~ You can take me ~ now ~ "

Jeonghan smiles and removes his fingers, then takes the protection puts it around his crotch and tells Joshua he's going in, the younger screams in pain and clutches his pillow, tears of pain streaming down his face.

After a few seconds, he tells his eldest that he can move, so the ace does, and the cries of pain quickly turn to cries of pleasure.

" Ah ~ Hannie..."

" Shuji, you're tight but so ~ AH ~ good.."

" Ahn ~ Jeonghan ! Ah ! "

" Ah, found it ~ "

Jeonghan continues to deliver blows to the right spot and this makes both men groan with pleasure, they both end up coming at the same time a few minutes after the ace's blows to the right spot.

The ace pulls out of Joshua and goes to put the condom in the garbage can, while Joshua turns and puts his back against the mattress and then onto his side. Jeonghan laughs and grabs some tissues to clean up the place, after which he lies down beside Joshua, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on the shoulder of the one he loves.

" Honestly I'm still glad I offered my first time to you."

" Hey Shuji, you want to know something ? You're my first time too. I just did a lot of research beforehand."

" Pervert. "

" At least I got it right."

" I'm not sure about that."

" Yet you moan all the time."

" So do you."

Jeonghan laughs and so does Joshua, even if they're both loved what they've just done neither of them will assume it first but that's how their relationship works after all.

~ Hate with love ~ Soulmate ~
~ The end ~

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

Ay-Yo, how are you my little stars ? I'm making this little message to inform that Soulmate is now over, to tell the truth I'm sad about that because I really loved writing this little story ! But all good things must come to an end, right ?

I really hope you liked the story, I sincerely think you did when I see the insane number of views and votes, and I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you properly for that, it's incredible really.

Although this story is unfortunately over, I'll obviously be back soon with another story but it'll be a ChanCheol this time eheh ( JiHan, SoonHoon, MinWon, VerKwan, JunHao will be in it too and Seokmin will be with a boy too hehe )

I may or may not find you in this one, free to read or not ! In any case, thank you for all the love you bring to my writings, I love you all my little stars <3

Kiss the _world Skrrr ! ♥︎♥︎

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