chapter 8

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skip time few months 

iris's POV 

today is the day where oli is going to ask ivy the BIG Question i am so scared for him he says it is fine if she doesn't want to because they are young but i believe in them at all times and we have one more week of school left so we have a school dance coming he is going to ask her there let's hope all goes well right?

justin: hi babe how was class

iris: okay you

justin: boring as always i hate math 

iris: i know you told me so many time before 

justin: well want to hangout after school

iris: yes but can we get BOBA too please

justin: how can i say no 

iris: yay i have to go see you at lunch giving him a kiss

justin: bye 

i was walking to class when i saw someone i didn't think would be here my dad 

Jim: hey baby how have you been 

iris: good you 

Jim: good just wondering if you would like to go with me out of town for a bit 

iris: can we go after school ends something is happening and i don't want to miss it 

Jim: what is happening 

iris: ivy is getting a proposal from her boyfriend 

Jim: she has to says no she is too young 

iris: dad we are 18 she can say yes if she wants 

Jim: i know but you guys are still so young 

iris: dad clam down he loves her with all of his heart 

Jim: fine but have you seen her she's not home and she doesn't go to this school anymore right 

iris: yes i think she out for a little but can you have dinner with us tonight 

Jim : of course i haven't seen you guys in almost a year but this time i am staying because i am retiring 

iris: really 

Jim: yeah i realized I was overworking because of your mother 

iris: she is gone you have to move on it's been 18 years 

Jim: i know now well i have to go get stuff 

iris: bye love you daddy 

Jim: love you too sweetheart 

i then start to walk to class me and oli have the same class so he covers for me i went to my seat 

oli: where were you 

iris: with my dad did you get the notes 

oli: your dad and of course i got the notes 

iris: i will tell you later and thank you can you come over for dinner tonight

oli: sure your dad going to be there 

iris: yup he is now retired from work so you will see him from now on 

oli: can we go to the mall for a prom outfit and one for tonight i need to impress him 

iris: yeah tell justin

oli: okay i w-


the rest of the class went by good and quite and they were at lunch but didn't see justin or darren 

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