chapter 13

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they talk about random things for hours till justin gets back from the mall and he hears people talking but can't tell who so he goes in the room

justin: hey aaron

aaron: wasp 

iris: hi bae

justin: why is he in here 

iris: because we were talking 

aaron: what's wrong 

justin: nothing get out 

aaron: okay i guess bye iris

iris: bye 

justin: how long was he here for 

iris: maybe 2 hours 

justin: mhm hungry 

iris: no 

justin: have you ate 

iris: yes ( i lied ) 

justin: okay what 

iris: umm 

justin: lets go eat 

iris: bu-

justin: you have to eat something your sister trust me to take care of you 

iris: fine 

ivy's POV 

ivy: are you ready baby 

oli: for 

ivy: the wedding it's in 1 week 

oli: why would i not be i love you 

ivy: yeah but what if people judge because we are so  young 

oli: then that's them i love you and you love me that's all that matters 

ivy: yeah she says kissing oli 

oli: hey i will always be here for you okay 

ivy: love you baby 

oli: lets go out to eat 

ivy: yay 

Ryan's POV 

i have been at this house for 2 weeks and i can't get out i miss iris and everyone but i wanted to hurt justin for iris i don't think i was wrong but i also don't think i was right but i miss iris the most because after when i rejected her i started to like her for real but no one believed me because i broke her heart i didn't mean to but i did 

jim: hey ryan 

ryan: hi 

jim: are you going to hurt my girls again 

ryan: no and i am so sorry i just wanted iris to be with me that's all 

jim: i know love can make people crazy but you don't hurt poeple you love

ryan: i know and i am so sorry i actually mean it i won't go near her again

iris: look i know it's hard but i loved you once now i love Justin

ryan: i know and please tell justin i am so sorry i didn't mean too  

justin: no need i love you and you are my brother and always will be 

iris: daddy let him go 

jim: you got it 

ryan: thank you 

ivy: i still love you you know that 

ryan: ivy i am so so sorry i know i shouldn't have done that 

oli: ryan we are family if you have something to share say it we love you and liking or loving someone is not a problem just talk about it and you and justin talk about this now so we can be a family like we use to please

ryan: yeah 

justin: go get out guys 

ryan: justin-

justin: no need to say sorry but can i tell you something 

ryan: okay 

justin: how would you like to be my best man 

ryan: but you are not engaged

justin: not yet 

ryan: so you want me to be your best man after all of this 

justin: come on who else would i have you are my brother since kindergarten and i would not  want anyone else 

ryan: yes have you asked her yet 

justin: nope i need your help 

ryan: yeah 

justin: ivy's wedding is coming and she is going to pass the flower bouquet to her and you will give me the ring and i will ask her there 

ryan: amazing 

justin: so a yes 

ryan: YES 

justin: lets go eat i am starving 

ryan: okay  

1 week later 

oli's POV 

today is the day where i become the man i want to be and with my favorite person in the world by my said and will be there for her forever and always thorough everything that goes one 

justin: ready big man 

oli: yeah 

sorry i have been at volleyball practice and the games so much and all week long but love you guys kisses 

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