chapter 10

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skip two days 

oli's POV 

it was now Friday and i have to ask ivy to marry me which is hard to say that at a young age but i love her and i think she loves me but for now i need help from her sister to get another ring i may have lost the other one so this time i am going to get iris help instead and i need flowers and candy and her favorite song needs to be on at the right time 

in call with iris 

iris: i am in the store already 

oli: okay 

i get to the store and see iris and justin and my best friend justin wants to ask iris soon i said that will be a great idea but he says he doesn't know anymore wow this kid is so confusing at times 

oli: hey justin 

justin: hey 

iris: i think this one is very pretty but so much money tho 

oli: yeah i will take it 

iris: bu-

oli: she is the one i love i don't care about the money i said i will take it 

justin: okay plus i need something for my mom so i will be out in second 

iris: okay 

justin: wait for me outside the mall i will go get it from the other store

oli: yeah yeah go 

Justin's POV  

i walked out the store and went to go get iris some snacks and teddy bears and stuff because i feel bad because i am not ready to say will you marry me i just want it to be the right time i walk out to iris and gave her the stuff 

iris: what's this for 

justin: sorry i didn't get you anything 

iris: baby thank you but i am okay and don't be sorry 

oli: hurry up we have to drop off iris and go get ready at our own houses

justin: okay we still have 4 hours 

they drove iris home to get ready for prom and oli dropped justin off and then went home 

ivy's POV 

ivy: iris 

iris: yeah 

ivy: i want to umm talk to oli about something

iris: mhm what 

ivy: breaking up 

iris: really 

ivy: nah just kidding but i want to talk to him about marriage

iris: why marriage 

ivy: because dad said i have to get marryed because i am older but only by 3 mins 

iris: well tell dad to wait (even tho she knows her dad know about oli proposing)

ivy: bu-

iris: we will talk about it later just get ready 

ivy: okay 

iris fit : 

iris fit : 

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