chapter 21

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skip time next day 

ivy: so can we go shopping 

iris: no we need to focus on the house 

ivy: fine i just am so happy i am going to be the best aunt ever

iris: hey you give my kid anything i didn't know of i will kill you 

ivy: no problem we can just keep it a secret 

oli: i am happy for you so we need to get the paper work for the house and food and house decor and i will make sure that stuff is done by today 

iris: where is justin

oli: out 

iris: where

oli: mall to get clothes for the baby 

ivy: he can go but i can't 

iris: i didn't know he went 

oli: well he did 

jim: did you sign the papers 

iris: mhm 

skip time few months later because i am lazy 

justin: aww they are kicking 

iris: yeah i can't wait till the gender reveal party 

justin: same i feel like it will be a boy 

iris: same but what if we have twins 

justin: well more work 

iris: yeah i told her i don't want to know how many or the gender i want it to be a surprise 

justin: i am scareddd 

iris: we have two more monthssss 

justin: yeah i love you so much baby 

iris: do you do you love me 

justin: i lied i am so sorry but i am in love with ivy 

iris: how could you do this to me she says fake crying 

oli's POV 

i was walking and i over heard justin telling iris he loves ivy and iris starts crying i felt bad for her and that she was going thorough that but i felt sad and betrayed that Justin loves ivy and won't tell me even tho she is my wife i was sad  

iris: do you do you love me

justin: i lied i am so sorry but i am in love with ivy

iris: how could you do this to me she says crying 

i started to back up when i heard her crying i started to feel tears in my eyes but held them back and just walked away and went outside i couldn't imagine what iris is going thorough she is pregnant with his baby for like 10 to 15 mins just sitting there 

iris: hey you okay why you outside 

oli: what do you mean am i okay are you okay 

iris: i am fine just the baby kicking 

oli: so you are not sad that justin loves ivy 

iris: justin doesn't love ivy 

oli: but i heard you guys talking and he said he love ivy not you and shit 

iris: oh that we were just playing around like always 

oli: are you sure 

iris: yea yes i am sure 

oli: thanks for being so understanding i just dont want her took from me i will try my best to make sure that doesn't happen 

iris: lets go inside 

short but next chapter she is having the baby and shit 

love you guys kisses ending this book soon 

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