I sit and watch as the fires rage.
What once was a beautiful flowery forest is now nothing but dust.
I sit and watch as the cherry trees fall.
What once was a home is now a prison.
I watch as the truth, in the form of bombs,
Tumble from the sky searching distruction.
Chaos appears in the form of mental illness.
What once was a beautiful forest is now home to all things evil.
I sit and watch as the fire rages.
Distroying all things bright.
I sit and watch as my heart, in the form of a forest, burns.
The truth burns what i once called home.
Memories won't help the forest.
For the memories don't exist.
I watch as the fire rages.
Becoming more and more distructive.
I beg for help.
From anyone.
I sit and watch as the fire rages.
The fire rages, more and more.
Destryoing more, and more