Ch.3: Training Begins

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I got home after an hour and immediately got rushed by my parents to the living room. "Sweetie, where were you? We were worried sick." my mom asked. I saw my sister and my brother sitting in the corner of the room, listening to our conversation.

"Me and four kids from Angel Grove found a spaceship buried underground. I'm pretty sure I'm a superhero." I told my parents. 'That sounded like something Trini would say' I thought to myself. "So, yeah. I've made four new friends. Billy Cranston, Kimberly Hart, Jason Scott, Trini, and Zack."

"You're friends with Jason Scott and Kimberly Hart?!" I hear my sister ask from across the room. "Jealous much?" I clapped back and faced my parents again, who dismissed me so I went to my room and stayed there pretty much all day.


I finally made it up the cliff and saw the group standing on the other side of the ravine. "Oh you guys meant that side of the ravine!" I yelled. "Give me a sec." I jumped but intentionally didn't make the jump so I fell straight into the ravine. I heard someone laugh while I was swimming in the water below.

After a few minutes of nothing we made it back into the room with Alpha 5 and Zordon.

"You need to follow the three rules to becoming a Power Ranger:" Zordon began," you must never use your powers for personal gain, you must never escalate a fight unless your enemy forces you to, and you must never reveal your identity."

"Let me guess, Rita broke all three?" I said, intending it to be a funny joke. Nobody laughed and just gave me a weird glance. "No? Not funny? Tough crowd? Tough crowd." I said to myself which did earn a chuckle from Trini.

"To assume your Ranger identities you need to morph. Have any of you morphed before?" Zordon asked. "Yes, but only in the shower." Zack replied. "The shower?! I only morph in my bedroom!" I said which made the two of us burst into laughter and earned a few chuckles.

"Okay, okay. Step into the footprints please." Alpha said. "Standing in this circle, as a team, you can easily connect to the Morphing Grid. Do you feel it?" Zordon asked. "Nope." I answered, I couldn't feel shit. "You need to morph to get your armour." Zordon explained.

"I knew it! We do get armour!" Billy exclaimed. "Cool, when do you give us the armour?" Zack asked. "You already have it inside of you. You bring it out by connecting to each other, and connecting to the Morphing Grid." Zordon stated. "Air your mind, and focus."

The room started spinning along with the little blob in the middle of the six of us. "The Power Rangers were a legion of warriors sworn to protect life! You must become those warriors!" Zordon said. Everything began spinning and shaking more violently but then everything just stopped.

"Did it work?" asked Kim. "No, it didn't." I said. "Alpha 5, why didn't they morph?" Zordon asked the android. "I don't know, sir. It's disturbing. Very disturbing. This may take some time." Alpha said.

"We don't have time!" Zordon told it. "Well, if they can't morph than what are we supposed to do?" Alpha asked. "They will have to train without armour. Take the down to the pit." Zordon told Alpha. "Jason, I don't want to find out what the pit is." Billy said.

After a minute or so, we made it to the pit. It was very dull and pretty dark but definitely very secret. "So this is the pit. It's nice right?" Alpha said jokingly. "Alpha 5, begin the exercise." Zordon said.

Suddenly, a bunch of stones and rocks started to come together to form some kind of creatures. "These creatures before you are a simulation of Rita's army. They're called putties. You must get through them to get to Rita." Zordon explained.

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