Chapter 13

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Hadrian's POV:
As I woke up the next morning I felt the two of them shift with me as we were all waking up. I decided to go get dressed so that we could talk before heading home as Dray probably wants all the information without too much detail as it is his parents. As I came out in a pair of black denim shorts a black crop top with cuts in the sleeves and a pair of black pumps I smiled at the two of them while they were staring at me with love in their eyes.
"So we need to talk about what'll happen and why you lied about why you were coming to ours for Christmas," Lucius stated calmly and I nodded as I sat at the edge of the bed.
"So I went through my inheritance about a year ago if I can remember correctly as every time anyone spoke of my parents I didn't feel right then with the abuse and Dray decided to go together so we went when I got it I realised both mama and papa were alive but neither knew I was alive. After that, I usually visited Mama but Papa's location was cast on all documents as unknown so none of us could find him. Even though Mama was alive I was still forced to return to the Dursley's even though I'm not related to them Dumbledore still forced me to go back there. I didn't lie to you it was mostly true Mama wanted me to learn of pureblood traditions and games but was unable to teach me within the pack as he didn't have access to any of the equipment required so he had asked Dray last time we visited and he said he'd ask but make it like I was being adopted by a pureblood family as no one was to know that mama was alive well until he was attacked." I finished finally out of breath and they both remained silent for a while before nodding.
"We understand why you didn't tell us though you did try to keep it close to the truth," Severus stated with a small smile.
"Little one we wish to court you but it means you must be loyal to only us meaning no more cuddles with Dray at night unless me and Sev aren't there and if you need help come to us, okay angel?" Lucius stated and I nodded with a giggle as they will be mine.
"Good little Angel but that means you're in our room the rest of your visit then in Severus' dorm or bed alone while at school," Lucius explained and I nodded happily as I'll get to keep Severus and Lucius all to myself and no one else is allowed them.
"Ok, you two let's head back home as Dray will probably want a debrief on what happened plus they want to play games together tonight," Severus called as he walked into the bathroom I laid back on the bed exhausted just wanting to go back to sleep. As Severus came out Lucius rushed in while Sev came and cuddled me until Luci was done then we headed home. Once we landed I was dragged away by Dray to debrief him on the situation.

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