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A boy no older then 18 woke up in a sweat breathing heavily

????: what was that dream about / he grabs his phone seeing messages form his girlfriend

????[you ok Izuku?]

Izuku[yeah am fine Momo nothing is wrong ]

Momo[ok well I just got done with my workout here is a picture I know you like them ]

Momo[ok well I just got done with my workout here is a picture I know you like them ]

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Izuku[you look great as always ravenetta ]

Momo[oh you spoil me]

Izuku[ I have to for my princess]

Momo[we still going for that date?]

Izuku[you know it]

She sent him a thumb up and he put his phone on his nightstand he picked out some clothes he turned around

Izuku: I thought I heard something probably nothing

He jumped into the shower he was washing his hair he looking at the weird humanoid shape he pulled his shower curtain away nothing

Izuku: I am going mad / he pulled it back as he continued to wash his body he stepped out grabbing a towel drying his body he looked into the mirror seeing creaks forming / I might need a new mirror

When he walked passed it a still humanoid looking creature head followed him out of the room

Izuku changed into his date suit he walked down the stairs where he opened his apartment door where he saw momo in her date dress

Izuku changed into his date suit he walked down the stairs where he opened his apartment door where he saw momo in her date dress

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momo: handsome like always babe/ she peaked him on the lips

Izuku: I could saw the same thing to you little hottie

Momo and Izuku hold hands as a shady person was watching form the ally they didn't notice them so they went to their fancy restaurant but they had a problem but after a heft hour they got their own table after learning who momo was

Both had a great time the food drinks and music but Izuku stomach was feeling guilty about not ables to pay for their meals but momo made sure to let him know it was fine she was the one to asked for the date

They just got out and was a little tipsy from the beer and wine they had so they went back to Izuku place were they can do whatever they wanted but that shadow was still their looking at them when Izuku looked at it the shadow just went away

When they enter the apartment right behind them was the wind blowing on their necks they were cold so they went up and underdress

Momo was only in her underwear it had a floral design to it she was laying down as Izuku walked out only in boxers

Momo///: you look sexy~

Izuku: I know you do~

He crawled into the bed with her she hold his hand under the blanket and put her head on his toned body and smiled

Scratch marks on his window creaks on his walls Izuku woke up looking around seeing nothing but he couldn't move he was so scared as shadow figures appeared and each time he blinked they would moved closer and closer to him Izuku could swear they were breathing he felt like it eyeless face starring at him

Izuku hold his breath for what felt like forever he closed his eyes and climbed down a little and slowly drifted back to sleep

In this dream world it was a street no sidewalks or lights just mist around him he walked forward he put his hands in his pockets he was a little cold he was hearing his named being called he felt like it was familiar voice he didn't feel like he should go towards it but he couldn't control his body so he just went over as he see

Momo: Izuku wake up baby wake up

Izuku: wha? Huh am sorry Momo

Momo smile: never apologized you can't control it

Izuku: I just wish I knew what those dreams mean or what happened to me

Momo face didn't look to well: no one can remember everything about their lives like I can't remember to call my dad on his birthday

Izuku chuckled: your right I guess my blurry memories are enough for me

He got up going to brush his teeth as he do that he didn't see fingers crawling out of the top of the mirror and two grab him

Izuku:Hel-/ his mouth was covered as momo ran in seeing a monster talking Izuku into the mirror she grabbed his hand but he got out only leaving two items a note and his engagement ring

Momo picked up both items and saw the note in blood saying if she wanted to have him back then go to silent hill asylum she stood up and got a mix of fear and determination

Momo did some research about things like silent hill and she is bring her hand gun

Momo: am getting him back just like before/ she cocked the gun and got out and into her car and started to drive to the town of silent hill
I hope you enjoy

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