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After the nurse was done with him his mouth was foaming he watched her walk away he wipe the slime off his mouth and slipped out of his cuffs and he heard heavy footsteps he quickly went into the closet

For the next twenty minutes she just stood in front of the closet for about five minutes and then started to release stress for about fifteen minutes before getting back out there

Izuku stepped out and sneaked around as he does he see momo he ran to her hugging her telling her how much he misses her

Momo hugs him when she look at him Multiple eyes on her face look at him as they slowly move around she kept her eyes on him when they enter a room the fake momo hugged him as her body transforms into chains well her arms did as she covered his mouth in flesh as he was dragged back to the patted room

Momo was actually fighting pyramid head as she take a few shots she just blocked with her giant sword she flipped away and kicked her hand luckily got her dropped the sword and momo shot her knees and grabbed it and swung it at her hitting her chest

Her body fell down as her body was absorbs into the ground and she took the sword with her and she could put it on her back a bit heavy but not bad to carry

Izuku was tied back up at on the hospital bed and the flesh on his mouth was taken off as he saw pyramid head hold a bone saw and she put it against his leg and started to move it back and forth as he screamed in pain and after she was done she warped his leg up and told him If he did it again he would not like what happened

Izuku wanted to die at this point he didn't even know why they kidnapped him he wanted to escape but he didn't think he could escape anymore

Momo was walking around when she saw the mirror monster enter a certain room she watched her walked out and she entered it seeing nothing but notices a blood trail as she looked around she noticed the wall was off

She walked to it and started to touch it as she pressed one of the tiles and opened a secret door she entered seeing Izuku with his leg cut off looking like he was in a daze

Momo: Izuku is that you?/ she touched him and waited four minutes and he didn't turn into flesh she was so happy but she heard those heavy steps she hide in the closet as she saw pyramid head hold a spear now and momo had to watch as her boyfriend is beaten by a crazy bitch when they were done momo steps out and throw him over her shoulder and made her way to the exit where she saw pyramid head and the mirror monster going at her momo started to run as she kept a strong grip on her boyfriend and she made it to the door when she saw the outside the sky was blood red and she got him into her car as it won't start she turned the key multiple times intel it did she ran over the crazy bitch

She was driving away as a hand came out of her mirror trying to kill her momo ripped the mirror out and throw it out of her car

When the side mirrors grow hands and stopped the car as both Izuku and Momo were almost launched into the streets she was slowly blacking out when she saw Izuku being taken away momo shot the monster arm but it sallows him into her body as she ran away from the cash car

When she woke up she puke because they swallowed her boyfriend she got out and limped off in the detention as she warped her leg and she was getting ready mad how could they know where he was at all time it was horrific

Izuku woke up covered in saliva and was covered in barbed wire that was inches away from tearing into his skin

??????: now don't worry me and nemuri are going to kill her

Izuku: camie pls don't kill her I'll do anything for her pls

Her mouth open as it was a smile she was tapping her fingers together as she told him If she was a keep the girl alive what would he do?

Izuku: anything just let her alive

Izuku didn't expect to hear her voice saying something he didn't want to happen but he agreed to her conditions
I hope you enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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