The asylum

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Momo was driving through the foggy streets of silent Hill she just wanted to get him back it was effecting her mood she saw a sign

Sign: silent Hill asylum two miles away / momo felt off about this why did that creature come and took Izuku then she saw something watching her she ignored it she rub his ring she put on some string

Momo: I miss you Zuzu/ she parked her car and got out she walked through the gates as she felt a horrible pain in her stomach walked in as she walked down the hallway the lines between the bricks formed eyes and stare at her

She was feeling uneasy and just to find him and leave she heard moaning and it worries her when she followed it and saw a light under a door

When she opened it she saw Izuku on the bed tied up and she rushed to his side and started to untie him she hugged him saying how she misses him but when she looked down he was melting in her arms just blood and flesh all over her arms

She heard metal scraping against the floor she hide behind the door seeing a tall woman with a pyramid head and a huge rusty blade and she was 6'2

she walked into the room and and saw slammed her giant sword onto the bed where the decoy and walked out seeing almost blackish purple hair coming down the helmet

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she walked into the room and and saw slammed her giant sword onto the bed where the decoy and walked out seeing almost blackish purple hair coming down the helmet

Momo felt a mix of jealousy and envy when she saw her she knew she is the one who took Izuku and she wanted to shoot her or something but she didn't have it ready and she watch it move away

Momo stoped holding her breath and stepped out and saw a cut trail on the ground going in the direction of that monster she went in the direction away from her

Let go to the monster she was walking towards something she make various turns and went in weird directions when she entered a patted room with Izuku kicked and trying his hardest to get out of the chains he saw her and she saw fear in his eyes

Izuku: nonononononononNO/ he was trying pulling the cuffs so hard his waists were turning purple she lifted up her blade and hit him with all her strength with the butt of the handle and said something about how he was only theirs

Let go back to momo she entered the bathroom where she found notes on Izuku how he couldn't handle them and how he was suffering how he just wanted to die

Momo: am sorry I wish I was their for you back then/ a tear dropped from her eye when she looked into the mirror her reflection has no face it started to climb out of the mirror and the face was now shattered like a broken mirror and she pulled out her gun

The monster moving towards her momo took a few shots but it only recoiled when hit by the bullets momo ran away and as the monster moved towards her almost getting her multiple times when she saw her own lengthened arm grabbing her leg she saw a sharp metal pipe she stabbed her own monster arm as it screamed out and disappeared into the darkness of the asylum

Momo: what the fuck/ she was looking at her hands as they were covered in blood she doesn't like to hurt things but they took her man so they get what is coming she stood tall and continued

The mirror monster changed formed into more of a sexy form

The mirror monster changed formed into more of a sexy form

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No barbwire no gun everything else stays

She walked in Izuku was covered in something sticky and blood she started to clean him up and transform into more a comfortable form

Her hair turned frown color and her eyes brown her mouth was covered with a medical mask she removed it to show off her multiple tongues all slimy and thick she got right into his face and

Let go to momo she was banged up her arm she ran into pyramid head and she nearly chomped off her arm she was lucky enough to dodge in time

She was looking at the infections she got form the rusty blade her skin was turning gray and her vines are turning black she was looking for any medication to slow this she grabbed her phone and tried calling 911 and nothing came up just static noise come form her phone

Momo: dame it / she sigh and walked away as she hope she can find him soon but she was losing hope she then slap her face

Momo: what am I saying he was their for me I have to get him back / she lowered her head as she remembered how he was treated in the past it was horrible/ I have no time for the past I need to get focused on him

She walked out of a "safe" room and cocked her gun and was ready to kill for her Izuku
I hope you enjoy

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