~ warm welcome ~

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As you both began walking down the corridors you felt eyes piercing into you and laugh. Overhearing some conversations you were a bit scared for your future here.

"Who is she?"

"I bet she'll get fired straight away or better yet lesso will kill her off" snickered an upperclassmen.

"She looks like a stupid little ever"

It felt like utter misery as you walked quietly behind...but suddenly the Huge wolves you'd remember seeing earlier had Grabbed the group of kids and dragged them away forcefully and out of sight. Your eyes widened with fear as you heard their distant echoes of screams from down the spiral stairs.

You were in concern and were about to inform lady lesso until you'd remembered her order of not to speak, so you worried in silence following behind her.
The assembly was to take place in the good school and you were just entering through the gorgeous marble doors now into the hall.
The room was large and split in two,
Nevers and Evers. Lady lesso had soon left to prepare for her welcome so you glanced around over at the princess's who were dressed head to toe in sparkling tiaras and gowns accompanied by their friends who were chatting happily amongst themselves.
The Nevers were completely opposite.
They were bickering and arguing with each other, some even casting wicked small spells on the other, their clothing weren't at all that amazing either.
Why were they treated so poorly?
You frowned and looked ahead to a stage where professor dovey was sat still in her golden attire talking to lady lesso.
She quickly waved and gave an acknowledging smile towards you as you made your way deeper into the Hall until you suddenly bumped into something. Or rather someone.

Quickly gathering your self you apologized
"God, sorry i'm clumsy as can be."

"Hah, it's fine, don't worry about it, "
A unfamiliar voice spoke softly to you.
Looking up you realized it was doveys assistant.
"Oh, hey it's you! I didn't catch your name?" You spoke out with a hint of excitement.
"Cate, Cate White. And you?" She smiled happily.
"Y/n L/n , pleasure to meet you"

You said whilst extending your hand which she Glady shook.
As you peered around, you noticed that most of the benches were filled with students chattering and getting settled so you quickly left saying goodbye to your friend.

Y/n quickly scattered over to the evils side of the stage and made her way up.
She could see lady lesso in her own personal chair. It's was a stunning black chair with the finest details embroidered with on it and it just fit her whole aesthetic and dark mysterious look perfectly.
She sat Lazily cross legged and played with her many silver rings on her pale, long fingers whilst twirling her antique cane in the other- did she even need it? Y/n thought.
She was brought out her trance when a demanding, stern voice shrieked out.

"SHUT UP!"....silence
Everyone even including Prof dovey was a bit taken aback and scared. Both deans rose from their seats and came centre.
"Ahem... Thank you lady lesso for that.. Warm welcome" dovey spoke out with a tinge of sarcasm.
"Welcome dear students, to the school for good and evil!~"

The good started cheering, chatting Evers over and over again whilst evil boomed nevers and pulled faces.

"We will have none of that thank you.."
Dovey started sternly whilst banging her scepter on the stage.
"If our students from last year had known better, there was a rumor of both schools joining to make one."
There was a pause.
"And well yes, with a lot of time and effort our schools have United and became one whole!"
She smiled cheerfully.

~Evils assistant~Lady lesso x reader~Where stories live. Discover now