~ Night stalks ~

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(It's been a while may want to read the last chapter to catch up 💗🎶)

As you'd shut the door, the bitter cold nipped at your skin as it swirled through the silent corridors.
Quickly adjusting your blazer for more warmth, you looked down the eerie Passageway. The only thing keeping the corridors a light, was dimly lit lanterns either side hooked to the cobblestone walls. Hesitantly, you scrambled toward to spiralling stairs, ready just to get this over and done with. Beneath your heels, the midnight black carpet with its intricate gold designs sparkled in the gloom. Before making your first step down, quickly and swiftly you returned it besides the other foot.
Far off in the distance, the sinister clouds flickered like a broken light bulb whilst a loud bang followed after.
You heard the rain become heavier as the roof began to patter with each forceful drop. A cold shiver ran down your spine as you jolted, surprised by the sudden weather.
"Great, utterly amazing for my first night here." you sighed already defeated about this. You seemed only so confident a few hours ago, perhaps your ego was two sizes too big or you wanted to prove that insanely hot woman wrong. Descending down the stairs, you trembled nervously as the lights faintly fluttered and wooden steps creaked due it's oldness. It seemed  the quards were off for the day and presumably resting somewhere among  the school. Weird  enough  to admit  you preferred them silenting keeping students  in check with their peredatory, stern looks.
Hearing the last creak, you looked down 2 halls: south dorms or west dorms. Shrugging  your shoulders and adjusting  your blazer once again, you wondered down the silent west corridors as you told lesso you would.


You truly admired the gothic architecture of the school. The more you explored, the more the magic grounds unraveled itself and proudly displayed its gorgeous features. Tar black, marble pillars aligned next to each over as the crevices of thick charky stone curved neatly into arched ceilings. The ceiling itself was adorned with intricate ornate patterns, with each archway and corner featuring a unique carving or design.
The stone floors are worn and uneven, and the walls were stained with a mix of soot and moisture, which added to the sense of age and decay.
The corridor was lined with student dormitories, which seemed to stretch on forever down the hallway. You felt like you were entering a different world as you walked down the corridor. The air was thick and heavy, as if the very walls themselves were breathing. How was this fantasy of school even intended  for you. Where you here for something? Or rather someone? A cool, subtle breeze whirled through the halls like fan in the hot summers breeze: snaking around your body. So far,  nothing was out the ordinary, just the harsh echoes of your heels clicking making their  way through the silent school for evil. You listened with effort for any rustling, muttering  or whispers shared  by the students however were only met with calmed breathing and others bareing a sigh in their dreams. You wondered  if they felt how you felt? Scared by the suddenness of this unexpected reality and the future you will all uncover here whether  it's purpose be serving for the good or evil. Or if they had been ready for this moment, to be swooped from the feet of birds made from bones and to study in prestigious schools to carry on traditions. You wondered lost in thought, hands resting in pockets and a slow stride set in place triedly stalking around  in the dark hour. The hour where clouds roared with downpours of tears and attacked  the Earths surface with each harsh droplet. The hour where the vast midnight sky blanketed the schools with its unharmful eerie  feeling. The unbalanced feeling of safety and uncertainty lingering in the atmosphere. Suddenly, you heard a small bang. You snapped out your trance and whipped your head around looking for the source.
With your lips tightly sealed not daring to make a sound, you inspected further soon seeing a light illuminating under a student  door. It was quite contrasting to the darkness as its bright edges highlighted the door frame. Silently moving closer to the source, you heard a mix of whispers and mutters.
'Why are students still up, you thought as you checked your wrist watch."
With a exasperated sigh you knocked loud enough to be heard but not to wake up any other's. After a few more knocks, no-one had opened the door however the voices seemed to have toned down. They weren't fooling anyone body. You knew they were wide awake. You banged again.
"Hello? Might I remind you it's past curfew." you huffed speaking to the oak door.
112 the door was labeled.
"If you wont listen to me then am sure you'll enjoy an hourly detention with lesso." you affirmed maintaining Short-tempered.
In a slow cautious manner, the door squeaked open revealing a short girl in a night gown. She looked a bit shy and timid almost hiding something. She kept her head only in view.
"Why aren't you asleep yet." you sighed. "And is your roommate up too?"
She looked a bit frozen in place, mouth widening to speak then shortly closing.
"They are.. Uh.. Kinda asleep I suppose."
The girl shrugged whilst faltering in her words.
Raising an eyebrow uncertaintly, you guided the door open with force and found the dorm in a filthy, cluttered, chaotic mess. It was almost as if a wild tornado had hit and destroyed everything. Bottles of alcohol littered the carpets whilst defeated balloons strung from furniture. Well that explained the said bang earlier. Nosing around further as the girl stood shyly in the corner, you jumped startled by another girl Lazily hanging on her bed. She looked disoriented whilst being in a state of half awake and half unconscious.
You rushed beside her though instantly smelling the strong pong of alcohol coming from her.
Simply rubbing your temples you scolded them both.
"What were you both thinking!" you quietly hissed bringing the girl onto bed properly with the help of the other. "Lady lesso will be outraged if she hears of this."
The girls face fell with fear. "No, no you mustn't tell her!" she shuddered probably thinking about the consequences.
You sighed heavily judging the disordered room.
Alcohol was strictly prohibited as well as unorganized dorm parties. Shame lesso couldn't follow the first rule but that was out of question.
"What kind of alcohol is it?" you bluntly hinted.
She pondered at you perplexed.
"Tequila and vodka.." she admitted sheepishly.
You were instantly caught off guard as they seemed to only be juniors but you quickly swiped a bottle from them confiscating it.
"Your lucky it's me who caught you and your friend and not lesso." you bickered. "Any more bottles?" you threatened pointing a finger.
"No ms. y/l/n." she bit her lip embarrassed by her actions.
"Good." you paused. "Now get some sleep for God's sake." you demanded spinning on your heels.
You heard a small squeaky voice call "thank you" as you closed the door quietly.
It's literally the first day. You were expecting this kind of thing atleast a week or two into the school year but obviously not. However you did get something out of it.  A free bottle of Soplica (vodka) to keep you company through your dorm checks.
With a sly smirk you unscrewed the ruby cap and gulped a mouthful of the sweet liquid. Your face twinged at the after taste and sore burning of your throat.  Groaning in a little bit of pain, you whispered in disbelief. "How the hell are they drinkin that."
----------------------------- (a few corridors later) ----

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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