~ food fight ~

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You blankly stared at her.
Did she really just ask you, "what's your favorite torture method?" - you thought.

"Um.. I've never considered it?"
You shrugged.
What an Awfully weird question.

She frowned "not one thing that's aches to fulfill your satisfaction?"
She inquired gazing upon you,
reading your face for any cruel ideas.
Quickly and swiftly raising her hand, she added.
"But subtle, unfortunately. "

You looked up thinking for a moment, it was never something you'd you thought about considering it was literal torture you were talking about. Why did she even want your opinion when she had a generous amount of books lining her bookcases, reaching back to medieval times.
You looked at her. God her eyes... Those gorgeous, purple, sapphire orbs
Engulfing your mental state into deep and lustful desires. You pulled your self together quickly and carelessly spat out an answer.

"How about waterboarding?"
You weren't at all sure
What To say.
Her eyes fixated on you and you searched her eyes for some acknowledgement on your response, until her eyebrows raised mischievously, as one hand lay on the curve of her hip.

"Never thought I'd hear anything as cruel as that come from you." She grinned.
"I must admit you have good style despite spitting out a careless answer."
Her hand turned the
door knob.

"Wait!" You called to her.
"Why'd you ask?"
Surely she'd have a reasonable explanation for asking such a thing.

"Ah ah, what did we say about staying silent." She hummed, leaving abruptly.

Well that helped.

You were left in the vague state of you're thousands of thoughts. Honestly you were a bit shook, she'd admitted to liking your practically fatal torture method but yet again, she were previously the stunning dean of evil.
Still technically was.
You heard the sharp clash of heels echoing down the hall and you wondered when she'd return or if she'd return anytime soon.
Your mind was an equilibrium of the alluring woman but also your awaiting workload of classes and meetings to put together.
It sat on the screen almost mocking you for attempting to even try finish this stupid task but you brushed off your thoughts with a sigh, resuming to where'd you left off in your work.
The room had swallowed you in silence apart from the repeating clicking noise of your keyboard and yourself muttering curses under your breath, for lesso setting a hard enough task on your first day. You were pretty sure she was getting a good laugh out of this as well.


Finally you were done.
You groaned in exhaustment as you leaned back in the comfortable chair.
Your fingers ached from typing and head hurt from the screen.
You slumped your weight onto the desk and buried your face in your hands, massaging your temples slowly.
After a while you glanced at the time tiredly.
It were nearly lunch time and you could really do with something to eat right now so you got up turning off the bright computer.
The room was dimly lit by your desk lamp as the grim, miserable clouds casted around the school provided no light source what so ever.
As you opened the office door, you could hear the distant chatter between students and the stampede of feet making their way to the lunch halls.
The school was lively considering it were the first day but yet again there were no classes until tomorrow.
Tiredly stumbling down stairs, you were met with a rather high pitched squeal. You cringed at your headache.

"Y/n, Where have you been!"
Dovey spoke far too enthusiastic for your liking.

"Working." You bluntly replied.
Quite frankly you just wanted a meal and your bed but this princess was slowing your plans.
You tried to move past her as politely as possible.
no budge.

~Evils assistant~Lady lesso x reader~Where stories live. Discover now