~ good assistant ~

375 22 12

You quickly ran after the angered woman who'd stormed off down the halls. You tripped repeatedly over the cracked cobbled floors however just kept your composure and carried on.
'How is it even my fault? It's not like I was tossing food carelessly at the kids'
You thought.
You caught up to her.

"Look i am sorry okay?  It's not like a wanted all that to happen"
You spluttered out as laying a hand on her shoulder.

She spun on her heel and knocked your hand off.

"What good of an assistant are you if you can't follow basic orders?"
She spat at you without a care.
You both had reached the spiralling stairs.
She messaged her temples.
"Just go finish my dammed schedule or something useful at least"
She spoke annoyed.

"Already did that"
You snapped.
She raised her eyebrows.

She paused.
"How can you possibly be done that already."
Her brows now furrowed looking over you with an ice cold stare.

"It's just being my job of a good assistant" you Smugly remarked.

Lesso rolled her eyes and thought for a moment before answering back. She smirked mischievous.
"Well then, good assistant.  You can bring a coffee up to our office for me. Black coffee, none of that sugary nonsense.
And clean this jacket that you so purposely ruined."
She went on.
"After that you can do the dorm checks across the academy for curfew."
She pretended to smile innocently handing over her stained garment.
Glaring at her you snatched the jacket from her hands.

"Consider it done."
You spoke clearly annoyed but confident you'd have it all done.

"Good" she sneered off in her Threatening gait shouldering anyone who stood in her path.

'So over dramatic - you thought'
It was entertaining to see this woman get so worked up over small things. she were like a tsunami of emotions - one minute alluring and seducing, the next childish and highly immature.
You laughed under your breath at the thought and started hurrying over to the staff quarters. You took a stride then stopped.
Where were this?
You sheepishly glanced around embarrassed as you were attracting the students gaze with your silly actions.
As you hurried on, a thought clicked in your head 'west Wing.. "
Aha! The West Wing yes!
You praised yourself cheerfully as you began your little adventure through the school.
As you peered in through the door, it were empty and silent. 'Good' you thought to yourself.
You preferred the loneliness and stillness of these moments so you endugled yourself into the moment whilst you could before another form of chaos took place.
Inspecting around you noticed it were just another corridor connected to a ton of rooms.
You frowned. You were sick to death of these dull, miserable grey rooms and it's haunting features - you wanted a view of the liveliness, colourful nature you had back home in gavaldon.
Of course you had the schools gardens.. Yet it were only murky and muddy grass and dead, crisp, orange leaves scattered around Untidy.
And It's trees bare, longing to be blanketed by healthy, green leaves that would sway in the call of the wind or perhaps for a bird to call it home.
A faint smile tugged at your lips at the thought and you realised you'd reached the laundry room.
You reached for knob but slowly stopped. Were you not alone?
Carefully leaning your ear against the door and nosing, you heard a mutter of women's voices together.
You listened closer, hearing the whirring of machinery and water splashing.
The door burst open. You jumped back startled at the sudden movement.

~Evils assistant~Lady lesso x reader~Where stories live. Discover now