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A few weeks later

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A few weeks later

It's been a few weeks since my conversation with Harry. He has been in touch a few times since then, mainly just small talk. I kind of get the feeling that he's trying not to press his luck. Even though we are sort of friends again, we are nowhere near where we used to be, and for the moment that's fine with me.

Today is our first day of rehearsals and coincidentally it is also the day that Harry is going to post about the Rolling Stone cover since it will be coming out soon. Both Jeff and Julia agreed that he would tag me in the post crediting me as the photographer, in order to introduce me to Harry's fans. The thought is honestly nerve-racking. But if I'm gonna be his tour  photographer, I might as well get used to it.

A text message breaks me from my thoughts.

H Styles: Hi Avery, I hope your weekend went well. I'm stopping by Pret before work today, would you like a coffee or something?

Avery: Morning Harry, I'm good thanks for offering, see ya in a bit.

H Styles: see you then.

Re- gathering my thoughts, I stare at myself in the mirror, knowing that from today my life will never be the same. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I have to make the best of it. deciding to my outfit looks OK enough I grab my things and head out the door.

As soon as I walk into the building, I am greeted by Lily's smiling face.

"Hi babe! I didn't want to go in without you. I know you're nervous, but everything will go okay!"

Hugging her quickly, I reply "Thanks Lil, you always know what to say. Now let's go inside and meet everyone!"

The moment we step into the room everyone quiets down and stares at us. Initially, it makes me feel uncomfortable, until Jeff clears his throat and says "Everyone this is Avery Taylor, our new tour, photographer, and her assistant, Lily Jones. They will be joining us throughout the whole rehearsal process and of course, on the tour. Avery and Lily first of all welcome to the team! Secondly, meet the band, Mitch our lead guitarist, Sarah our amazing drummer, Adam on base and Claire on keys."

Smiling at everyone brightly we both say hi, and how happy we are to be joining the team.

After a few minutes of chatting amongst ourselves, the door opens again, and in walks Harry.

Harry being cheerful as ever, says "Good morning my people!"

Everyone mutters a quick hello, greeting him with a hug as he walks around to each on of us. When he gets to me he hesitates a bit before hugging me. As he hugs me he whispers in my ear and says "Friends hug remember?"

His breath near my ear makes me shudder, but I play it off by coughing so he will let go of me. After hugging me, he greets Lily with a hug as well, before motioning everyone to sit down.

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