Chapter Nine: Red Tradious Lips

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Wesker was ass deep in self pity and hate as he ordered another cheep drink. Pain was something he knew, he understood so as always he went back to it in one form or another. The bar tender gave him an uneasy look but filled his glass regardless. Sergei was up his ass about the hospital incident again, the families were sueing Umbrella and RPD and to keep up apperances they settled. Irons was trying to flex his so called power over him making his work life hell. Then there was Crow, last night she had gone out for drinks with Captian Nelson. The bastard was all smiles this morning when Wesker saw him at the front desk. Fucker even had the nerve to wave at him! He slammed his glass down angrily, why the hell could he not get that fucking women out of his head! Fuck should he care what Sergei did after he left! Why did he care who she fucked! He did however like a spoiled child someone touched what he wanted, soiled what should be his! William had been right, and now this was a fucking a mess. Wesker pressed his finger down ordering another drink before he stood to go to the bathroom. A man a little ways down slide a small bottle toward the bartender and a roll of 100's. They exchanged a nod before he then made Wesker his drink.

I watched the front door of Weskers bar from across the street in the pool hall. Wesker would never willing let anyone close, so I knew I would have had to force him at first.
I saw the man hired to drug Weskers drink and turn my head away. I have never felt such conflict before. I had always managed to separate myself. Sighing a finished my beer and paid. Before bundling up, it was Friday and Alpha's turn to take the weekend off. Wesker was going to need it, as the drugs Sergei provided did a number on the body.

Wesker was half finished his new glass when suddenly the room sharply spun and he almost fell off of his stool. He just managed to catch himself in the bar, and shake his head.

"I think you have had enough." The Bar tender said taking his glass away. Wesker look up at the guy, words taking a minute to form properly.

"Ya," He finally mubbled standing. As he pulled out his wallet his vision refused to focus. He could only hope he threw down the right amount. "Keep the change." Grabbing his jacket he forced himself to walk 'straight' to the door. As he exited the bar into the cold night he felt his body break out into a sweat. A laughing couple then slammed into him sending him into the stone wall, his shoulder taking the brunt of his weight.

"Sorry buddy." The guy said. "You okay?"

"Watch were your going next time." He answered trying to brush the guy off. A sudden pull on his left arm jerked his unsteady steps back, as he heard a giggle. Wesker whince as harsh cheep perfume overwhelmed him and his stomach turned violently. A women was hanging off him, her over done blue eyes looking up at him.

"Hey handsome. Wanna join us for some fun." She said pulling him toward the alley.

"No." Wesker said trying to remove his arm.

"Come on, loosen up. " She teased trying to kiss him. He finally pulled away but his back met with a dumpster and he fumbled. She promptly wrapped her arms around his neck, her foul pink mouth trying to urge him on. He gave her a soild push to get her off as he yelled stop. A hard blow was then delivered to his temple. Hands were already grabbing him even before he hit the ground. He had slammed down onto the cracked old pavement hard, rocks cutting into the plams of his hands. Suddenly someone was ontop of him.

"Your kinda pretty for a man." A nicotine soaked voice whispered as it fumbled with Weskers belt. Wesker snarled, striking out at his assailant and landing a blow. The guy? Took off now that Wesker had made it clear he would fight back. Yelling between his teeth, he stumbled to his feet. He hissed as he touched the side of his head, his fingers coming away red. Throughly finished with the bullshit of the evening he made his way to his car to sleep it off.

"Shit!" Wesker spat as he patted himself down. They had stolen his fucking keys and his wallet! He kicked his tire before sitting on the ground,

"Wesker?" Crows voice called. "You okay?" He looked up scoffing at his own luck, of course it was her.

"What are you doing here?" Wesker embarrassingly slurred.

"Enjoying my night off." She said, "you look like you enjoyed yourself too much." He laughed bitterly taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. God his head hurt,

"Enjoy is not the word I would use." Wesker replied his world spinning again. He suddenly felt tired, his eyes desperate to close.

"That looks bad." She said kneeling down infront of him "I am guessing you don't want to go to the hospital."

"I do not." Wesker said with surprising difficulty. His body was so heavy, he couldn't sit up right anymore.

"Wesker?" Crow said alarmed as he closed his eyes. "Wesker!"

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