Chapter Sixteen: Lust

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    Weskers teeth nipped at her lush lips, his tongue dipping in and out of her warm welcoming mouth. Some how they had managed to make it to the couch but Wesker knew he could not wait  further. Though a creature of forethought and control, even he had limits and she seemed to be the one who challenged them. From the moment she pressed herself into him, Wesker felt an unexpected rush of power. It was intoxicating and only proved to further cement that he was right about her. Their meager coverings already laid on the floor completely forgotten. He would never admit this but his body was burning in anticipation. This had been building for over 6 years between them and it was now finally coming to a head. Wesker sat down admiring her body for a moment. His legs slightly parted to accommodate his swollen memeber. Finally he held his hand out for her,

      "Come to me." He said. Crow took his hand, straddling his hips. She pinned his cock underneath her already wet lower lips. He was lightly panting as she slide back and forth over his length.

        "So good." She panted giving him a proud and sensual look. "Are you always so excited?" Wesker out of vengeance used his thumb to coax her bud to bloom for him. Crow gasped sharply her hips jerking as she glared down at him. Wesker mouth greedly captures one of her hard, soft pink nipples as he watched her. She arched shamelessly into his touch. His teeth roughly pulled on the pert bud, causing her to swollow a cry at the last second. She was awakening a beast he held in cage, one full raw lust and desire. This animal had slumbered for so long, that it was robbing Wesker of his reason as it screamed to be let free. He grunted as his tip ran over her entrance. He could feel the promise of her heat, feel it quivering and clenching in need. This caused Wesker to finally snapped and surged up. He bore her down onto the ground, holding her legs open as wide as physically possible before he rammed his cock inside her. Completely sheathing himself in a single thrust. It was utterly brutal and cruel but the look on her face said it felt like bliss.
       "Shit." Wesker grunted as he was forced to pause. Her insides were smouldeing, her walls felt like liquid silk as they gripped onto him like a vice. Wesker always knew he was a man driven, a man who pursued what he wanted until he had it. The fight and games of wit were just as sweet as the prize. Yet as he rolled his hips and she keened again, he felt utterly cheated by the hunt for the first time. Crows legs wrapped around his waist, her nails cutting into his back as she withheld a scream. Wesker fuck into her as deep as he physically could and still he wanted more. So he bent her in half, her legs going over his shoulders. He would make sure her body mourned his lost when he left her a cum filled, fucked out mess. He would make sure she craved him and only him!

        I was trying desperately not to scream, as Wesker pounded off me like a wild animal. I didn't think he had it in him. This was not the man the girls spoke about in the locker room all those years ago.

       "Albert." I rasp out. The pressure of his cock filling me and the painful burn as I was forced to bend and stretch it was overwhelmingly good. He felt so good infact I should have been afriad. I bit my lip, my end already beginning to build. His blue eyes are piercing, his teeth bared. If he wasn't fucking me, I swear he was going to kill me.

        "Your perfect like this Lenore." Wesker whispered. I wanted to bristle and ask what the hell he meant by that but the next snap of his hips he hits my just right. "I see." I loose my breath as he dedicates himself to utterly destroying me.
     Wesker felt his testicles draw close to his body, his cock straining and aching. He had never fucked anyone like this before and it was leaving him reeling. He could feel sweat break out on his back, could hear the slap of flesh hitting flesh.

        "Close. God! Fuck!" She called. "Albert!" Crow suddenly clenched down and threw her head back. A silent scream on her face as she soaked him. Wesker made one more hard thrust, burying himself as deep as he possibly could. He then released inside of her.
        "Lenore." He groaned, as powerful orgasm rock through him. He let go of her legs, but remained inside of her. They were both panting heavily, her eyes glassed over in the after glow. Wesker didn't know why but but he didn't leave right away. Tentively she reached up and brought him down, kissing him deeply. Wesker allowed this, even though it was intament and normally below him. When they separated for air Wesker went to speak, he wanted to tell her what this would be if she wanted him again but an odd thud just outside drew his attention. He pulled out proud of the soft whine she gave at his loss. Wesker then grabbed his towel and threw Crow her robe. She quickly was covering up behind him when Wesker gut told him something was wrong. Crow seem to share his concerns because he heard the drawer concealing the tracking gun open. When there was a knock on the door.

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