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Reader's POV:

I hit the ground with a thud after tripping over a pipe slamming my head into a panel. I scramble to my feet continuing to run as fast as I can. My head is pounding and I put my hand to only to discover that I'm bleeding. "Shit." I huff quickly looking back to see myself still chasing closely behind. Well, not me but a Ganger taking the appearance of me. When I turn around I smack straight into someone letting out a scream thinking I had run into another Ganger but when I open my eyes I see her. "River?"

"Duck then the two of you!" The Doctor yells from just beyond us. I hold on tightly to River burying my face in the crook of her neck as she wraps her arms around me. "I've got you." She says whispers and a tear slips out of the corner of my eye because I know this is much too early. She's not meant to know me yet, and she doesn't. I hate that I do this to her. I hopped into the wrong moment in time again and given her yet another glimpse of someone she can't remember why she knows, of memories she can't quite pull to the front of her mind and I know it hurts her. I don't mean to do this, I love her more than anything hurting her is the last thing I ever want to do. The Doctor knows who I am but he can't tell her, telling her the wrong thing too early could throw off the whole timeline and he knows how important she is to me and that I would be devastated to lose any of the beautiful memories we've yet to share. 

The Doctor sonics the Ganger running towards us and it melts right where it was. I hold onto River as long as I possibly can knowing it could be a while before I see her again. When I finally lift my head I see her looking down at me in her arms. 

"Hello Sweetie." She says with that gorgeous smile and I can't help but blush. "Hello my lovely." I say in return bringing my hand up to her cheek. "Why are you crying?" River asks wiping the tear from my face. I can't stop the chuckle that escapes my lips. "Spoilers." I say running my finger across her lips. "Hey that's my line!" River says in a rather jealous tone as we stand up. "Who are you??" She demands as I step towards The Doctor. 

"Careful Y/N, you can't keep doing this you know she asks questions and she won't stop until she gets answers." The Doctor says to me as we turn to look at River who's now glaring in our direction. "Sorry handsome, have to keep it interesting." I say with a wink. 

"I'm sorry my love." I say walking towards River throwing myself into  her for one last hug. I can't help it, It's been years since I've seen her and I always miss her terribly. "Oh." River says startled cautiously taking me into her arms again.

"Sweetie your head." She says reaching to wipe it but I've already stayed too long. "I'm sorry." I call as I start running again. "Who are you?? How do you know my name??" River yells behind me and my heart breaks the further I get from her again. I punch in another time on my Vortex Manipulator and hop out of their current time. The manipulator was a gift from River on our first anniversary. It was beautiful. She took us to Venice (you know one of the calmer times in it's history). Loving River is one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it's the most lovely thing I'll ever do. 

River's POV:

"Doctor who was that?" I say a bit harsher than I intended. "I've seen them before I know I should know them, why can't I remember!" I shout now standing directly in front of him. 

"River you know I can't answer that." He says with a sad look in his eyes. 

"Please!! Doctor please!!" I yell now holding his arms almost shaking him. 

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I let go of The Doctor turning away. I'm not angry with him or really that girl, everything just hurts. Seeing them leaves behind these excruciatingly intense feelings of longing, it brings up all of these half memories of sorts that I can't quite make out. They feel as though they aren't my own memories just stories that someone's told me but they stopped half way through. 

"River!" The doctor shouts and I'm quickly snapped pout of my thoughts when I see a Ganger coming towards me. I pull out my screwdriver and sonic it before jolting myself back into reality.

"Right then what are we looking at?" I ask The Doctor quickly wiping the tear from my cheek as he explains what's going on. 

I'm grateful for the distraction of The Doctor. Traveling with him helps fill in some of the half memories he has of me which occupy my mind until I'm met with the girl again. The Doctor knows them and I suppose in a way, I'm their Doctor. She knows me as I know The Doctor. Time for me is funny like that. Always mixing things up. Though I guess otherwise things would be quite boring and what fun is that?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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