Chapter 1: Unexpected Guests

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When they heard the doorbell, they immediately looked at Hajime, indicating him to answer it.

"Fine, I'll get it," he said with an exhausted sigh.

Upon opening the door, he saw six people on his porch. The first one was Yuka Sonobe, a classmate of his with the magical ability of "Acrobat." As the name implies, she can perform acrobatic feats, including juggling, which is her preferred method of fighting using knives. She is also considered his mistress since he enjoys spending time at her family's restaurant.

The second and third people he saw, holding hands, were Ryutaro Sakagami and Suzu Taniguchi, who also possessed magical abilities. Ryutaro had the power of "Monk," granting him better defense, speed, and strength. Thanks to Age of God Magic acquired from Hajime, he could transform into a beast, enhancing a specific stat. Suzu, on the other hand, had the power of "Barrier Master," allowing her to create nearly indestructible barriers. To compensate for her lack of offensive power, she acquired Age of God Magic from Hajime to tame beasts for defense, specializing in insect monsters for reasons unknown.

Including these three (he intentionally left one person out of the group), there were Hajime and his other classmates from the group known as the Returnees, a name given to them by the media after their return.

The fourth and fifth individuals were a princess from a different world filled with sand named Moana de Shelt Synclea and the goddess overseer (whom they jokingly referred to as a corporate slave) of the realms named Aularodde Lea Refeat. They were the lovers of the man Hajime despised the most, the Hero.

And speaking of the devil, the final person he saw was the Hero Kouki Amanogawa. As mentioned, this person was recognized as a Hero in many worlds, except for his original world and especially the world they were summoned into. To avoid delving into too many details about the problems he had caused, a simple explanation was that he became an enemy due to his jealousy towards Hajime. As a result, he chose to remain in their world to atone for his sins and was summoned to different worlds along the way. While Hajime had developed some level of respect for him, he still harbored strong resentment, a feeling that Kouki reciprocated.

"Hey, Nagu-" Suzu was about to greet him, but Hajime cut her off, saying, "Yuka, Ryutaro, Suzu, Sand Princess, and corporate slave goddess, get in now," with a serious tone.

Immediately, they entered, while the goddess interrupted with "I'M NOT A CORPORATE SLAVE," leaving Kouki alone.

"Um, Nagumo wh-" At that moment, when Kouki asked why he called for the rest of the group and not him, Hajime slammed the door in his face.


"OY, NAGUMO, YOU BASTARD! LET ME IN!" Kouki exclaimed while banging on the door.


The residents of the house came to see the commotion. Upon witnessing the situation, they all wore understanding expressions. They knew that despite Kouki's hatred for Hajime, he had still come here, likely under some form of coercion.

The first wife, upon seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, decided to approach her husband to reconsider his decision.

"...Nn. Hajime, it's alright. No matter what happens, we'll still eliminate anyone who becomes our enemy," Yue said with a small smile on her face.

"Yue..." Hajime responded.

At that moment, a pink cloud descended upon them, creating an excessively sweet atmosphere that might make anyone feel nauseous. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.

"Yue, stop distracting Hajime!" Kaori screeched.

"...Nn. Shut up, Bakaori," Yue retorted with a flat tone.

"Why you-" Just as Kaori was about to launch herself at Yue, Hajime, with an incredibly long sigh, decided to open the door.

As he did, he saw Kouki with an extremely pissed-off look on his face.

"Thank you for opening the door, prick," Kouki said as he entered the Nagumo household.

"You're welcome, jackass," Hajime responded, closing the door.

With the situation resolved, the other guests breathed a sigh of relief and followed the Nagumo family into the living room, where they sat on the couch.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" Hajime inquired.

"None, Nagumo-chi, it's just that we heard that Lily was here, so we decided to see her," Suzu said with an upbeat smile.

You see, because Lily is the princess of the Heiligh Kingdom, she has many responsibilities to attend to, especially after the final battle. As a result, she can't live with Hajime in his world. However, Hajime occasionally kidnaps her to spend time with her, and today happens to be one of those days.

"Thank you!" Lily expressed happily.

"Well, I can understand you three, but why Kouki and his lovers?" Hajime asked with understanding and a hint of doubt.

"You see, Ryutaro and Suzu were in the restaurant asking me to come here, and at that moment, Kouki and his lovers entered, so we decided to invite them over," Yuka answered apologetically.

"Ahh, well, I appreciate that you decided to visit Lily, but next time, only invite the lovers." After saying that, three things happened: Lily blushed at Hajime's words, Yuka, Ryutaro, and Suzu all agreed, and Kouki wore a shocked and angry expression, while his two lovers laughed awkwardly.

Afterward, they all enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together. The wives, the two lovers, Suzu, Yuka, and Sumire talked while watching the men and Myu play video games, engaging in lively banter. When it was time for them to leave, something extremely familiar happened.

"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow then," Yuka said, stretching her neck a bit.

"Why? It's still early," Shizuku asked, and the female camp nodded in agreement.

"I've been outside of the restaurant for too long; I need to get back," Yuka explained sadly.

"Yeah, we need to leave as well," Ryutaro said, scratching his head and blushing slightly.

"Why?" Hajime inquired with a curious gaze.

"We have a date," Suzu answered, also blushing.

"Oh, good luck on your date, then, Desu," Shea said with a grin.

"Well, since everyone's leaving us sho-" Just as Kouki was about to get up to leave, a strange circular pattern appeared on the floor beneath him.

While no one recognized the circular pattern, everyone immediately knew what it was: a summoning circle.

"YOU BASTARD!" At that moment, Hajime leaped from his spot and punched Kouki with his artificial arm. He hoped to send Kouki away from his

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