Chapter 5 - Winner?

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Akshara clenched her folder to her chest, taking in a nervous breath as she tried to calm her racing heart rate. Noting her grey coat that she had paired with her white pleated dress and nude pumps, she gave herself a small smile.

Today was the big day.

She had spent the last couple of months working with this client, to retrieve them under the KPM group. It was the first client that she had singlehandedly been responsible for by herself. Lord knows how many hours she had spent finessing every single detail of the case, ensuring that the clients were consistently happy.

This was her first big case.

Her first mark in the world.

And she had wanted to do them proud.

After all, today was the day the client would decide what company they wanted to continue their association with for the next 12 months.

"Akshara Goenka.." she whispered staring at herself in the mirror. "You look the part... now you have to win them over too" she declared.

She would give it her best.

She would ensure no one stole her client.


Abhimanyu's head was buried in his file, reading over the quotation again and considering the deal before he looked into it further. He'd spent the whole day in meetings, in and out with clients, sealing deals, listening to presentations, and meeting with his board members.

Settling into India had taken him by storm however nothing was a force for his strong work ethic and commitment to work.

After all... nothing could be.

Not with everything he had sacrificed.

He took a sip of his coffee as he leaned back in his chair, looking at the grandiose panoramic view of Mumbai from his office.

He couldn't deny it, he had missed home.

He had missed the warmth of having family members.

And... he had missed her.

So much.

He had wondered how he had survived the last eight years.

But even then, all those years, he had known he had barely been alive without her.

She hated him, that much was clear. She had not left a simple opportunity to shoot a jab his way. She either stayed entirely clear of him or she left no opportunity to ensure he knew how much she detested him.

She was angry.

She was upset.

But what killed Abhimanyu the most was that... she was distant.

Smiling and laughing whenever she was around others... but tense the moment he walked into a room. Like his being made her physically ill... and that thought alone, made him sick.

But call it whatever you want... even despite all of that, seeing her every now and then... was more than he could have ever wished for.

To have her near him.

To see her.

To hear her soft voice.

Her melodious laugh.

The fresh scent of rose blossoms with a tinge of bergamot and honey.

It was all he had ever wished for.

And so he took it.

Every jab.

Every comment.

He simply accepted it. 

Because what hurt more... was not having her near him. His personal hell that he had endured for the past eight years already.

A knock on the door broke his reverie as he looked at the visitor who was standing there.

"Yes ... what is it Miranda?" he asked his secretary, the middle-aged woman who had stood by his side since his time in London. Miranda's family including her two young boys had become his second family and over the years he had become protective of them.

"Mr Birla.. I am just letting you know that the client you requested is currently in the meeting.. deciding who they wish to commit to for the next 12 months" Miranda told him, reading the notes on her task sheet.

"Thank you, Miranda. I am sure it won't be a problem. Who is representing on our side from the marketing division?" Abhimanyu asked, he was confident that the client would not slip.

"It is Mr Armaan as you had requested" Miranda relayed.

"Great, then it should not be a problem. Do we have much competition?" Abhimanyu asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"No we do have the KPM group but it seems they have allocated a newbie to this case... it seems it is her first independent case. It will not be a problem" Miranda smiled at him.

Abhimanyu raised his eyebrow... a newbie?

"A newbie?" he asked suspiciously.

"Yes Ms Akshara... Akshara Goenka I believe Sir" Miranda informed him.

And Abhimanyu felt the ground between his feet shake.

Sighing, he got up from his desk, collecting the papers that had been collected.

"Please inform Mr. Armaan to retract from this case... we revoke our interest from this client" Abhimanyu said silently.

"S-Sir...?" Miranda asked, "but Birla Enterprises has never-"

"Miranda, please," Abhimanyu said, his jaw firm.


Later on, Akshara sat surrounded by all her colleagues as they celebrated her win. Akshara was overwhelmed with emotion as even she could not believe that she had somehow managed to lock down the client.

"Ms Akshara Goenka... is there anything you can't do" Rushi celebrated spinning her chair around. Akshara giggled letting the win overcome her senses. She had worked tirelessly.

"I just got lucky" she muttered sheepishly.

"No Akshara... you worked really hard" a voice broke out. Akshara looked up, her eyes widening as everyone stood up straight away.

"Taran Sir" Akshara acknowledged bowing her head at her division head.

"Congrats... I am super impressed" Taran smiled gently, flashing his perfect teeth at her.

Akshara smiled, "Thank you Sir" as those around her hooted, noting how Taran doted on Akshara and his crush on her was just so evident.

"It is a win worth celebrating... and I am still not sure how Abhimanyu Birla's representative walked away from the deal last minute," Taran said frowning.

Akshara felt the colour drain out of her face. She gripped onto her chair as she balanced herself.

"Akshara..." Rushi began worriedly, looking at her best friend.

"Sorry, Sir... did you say the Birla Enterprise representative retracted their offer to the client?" Akshara clarified feeling anger flash through her veins.

"Yes..." Taran confirmed, "It is strange.... it is the first time since Abhimanyu Birla has been appointed CEO that he has permitted his marketing division to walk away from a deal. It would have been tough competition. Anyway, it's a win for us... You guys carry on" Taran wavered his hands leaving a flaming Akshara behind.

Akshara clenched her fingers, anger pulsating through every part of her as her vision became blurry.

"Akshara...." Rushi tried to interject again, knowing the effect the simple name of Abhimanyu Birla had on her.

"Don't Rushi" Akshara warned, her voice cold with anger.

She clenched the contract with her right hand and grabbed her car keys with the other.

That bastard.

"It's time to pay Birla Enterprises a visit" Akshara announced.

Hmmm... what awaits? ;)

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