Chapter 27 - The Night Sky

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Akshara laughed at one of the stories Abhimanyu's friends, Rohan, was telling her as Abhimanyu stared at his friend.

"Rohan... shut up" Abhimanyu spoke, awestruck at the stories that he was telling Akshara. He was currently sitting on a bar stool with Akshara sitting on his thigh, her petite figure balanced as she sipped on her soda.

"No please... keep going" Akshara laughed as Rohan recounted stories of Abhimanyu.

"Sorry Abhimanyu.. you may be the infamous Mr. Birla anywhere else... but here it seems Akshara rules" Rohan winked causing Akshara to blush as Abhimanyu wrapped his arms tighter around her.

Akshara had been scared for nothing. All of Abhimanyu's friends had been lovely, warm, and incredibly friendly.

As soon as she had opened the door, she had been wrapped into a hug by Rohan's girlfriend, Misha who had then brought her in and introduced her to everyone. There was a house full of guests and they had all been so welcoming. Feeding her, offering her a drink of her choice, easily struck up a conversation,... not to mention the endless teasings about Abhimanyu's devotion and love for her. Abhimanyu had proudly introduced her to everyone as "My Akshara".

It was becoming clearer to her as each day passed.

As much as she had tried to forget him over the eight years, he had held on to her.

Brought her into every aspect of his day.

Every aspect of his life.

Even his friends and close colleagues knew about her.

Her heart filled with so much love... the void of the last eight years disappearing.

She smiled as she felt Abhimanyu press a kiss on her temple, amidst a busy conversation with Rohan.

Yes, everyone had been so lovely.


Almost everyone.

Her eyes gazed across the room at a gorgeous tall brunette. Sara Reddy. The name was as grand as she was. The second Akshara had seen her, she had determined that she was absolutely gorgeous. High cheekbones, hazel eyes, rosy lips. And Akshara had admired her beauty, she had always believed in sisterhood and supporting other women.

It was that belief that had propelled her to smile and introduce herself to Sara, wanting to know someone else who was in Abhimanyu's close circle of London friends.

However, she had been struck when Sara had pretended to not hear the greeting and slid to the other side of the room.

The air around her had been cold.



And it was not until Akshara had witnessed the way that Sara's eyes had softened when Abhimanyu had greeted her, that she realised what had happened.

That longing.

That despair.

She knew it all too well.

She had a crush on Abhimanyu!

And perhaps he was completely oblivious to it, treating her like a distant friend.

Akshara had instantly felt possessive, gripping his arm and making it clear that he was hers. It was stupid but she could not help it. And then a second later when she realised how she'd been acting, she let go reprimanding herself for her dumb behaviour... only for Abhimanyu to slide his arms around her waist and hold her closer to him. He had done it subconsciously... in the middle of something else entirely... yet it was all the reassurance she had needed.

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