Part 23 | Finally

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"So, what's going on with you and Hiddleston?"

"Scarlett, zip it."

She smirked, leaning against the wall. "What?"

"We just want to hear about your love life" Lizzie giggled, joining the two of you.

"Me too!" Chris added, hurrying over to the three of you with a huge grin on his face "What's the goss??"

"You guys are such children" you groaned, moving away. "I'm not legally obligated to tell you anything."

"Pleeeeease!!" Chris begged, following after you while pouting. "Please please please? Please please-"

"My belt buckle will connect with your crotch very soon."

"Pleeeeeease? Please please please please-"

"I hate everyone."

"We know" the women chorused, grabbing your hand and pulling you back, pushing Chris away.

"Go drink beer in the corner Hemsworth! We have gossiping to do!" Lizzie grinned, shooing the actor off before grabbing three drinks, passing you and Scarlett one and sitting down on a nearby couch. "So, tell us everything!"

"Even the nitty gritty details" Scarlett smirked, sitting opposite her as you sat down in an armchair.

You sighed, taking a sip of your drink. "We're not official or anything, we're... I don't know what we are. I've admitted I don't hate him but I suck at emotions, so we're taking it from there."

"That's amazing!!" Lizzie squealed, hugging you tightly.

"How are you feeling about it?" Scarlet asked curiously.

"It's... nice" you smiled, laughing as the other two hugged you tightly. "You two are such drama queens, we're not even together."

"Yet" Scarlett grinned, pointing to Tom who was watching you from across the room, the actor giving you a small smile before turning back to his conversation with Chris E and Rdj.

"You two are adorable" Lizzie said excitedly, smiling brightly at you. "I can't wait!"

"For what?"

"For you two to finally get together!"

"Now, we want details" Scarlett insisted, leaning forward eagerly. "Does he still call you cute names? Buy you coffee in the morning? Drive you and your shitty car home after work?"

"How dare you insult my car!" You gasped in mock outrage before grinning. "And yes to all three."

The two actresses gasped excitedly, looking between each other and you as you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face.


"I love meeting fans, but it's so tiring" you groaned, leaning on the bonnet of Tom's car.

"Too much signing for you love?" He chuckled, leaning beside you.

"I think my hand is twitching" you grinned, holding it up.

"Aw, do you want me to kiss it better?" He pouted sarcastically, grinning down at you.

"No need to worry, I can kiss my own hand better" you replied, kissing your hand. "See? All fixed."

"Mm, I don't think so" he chuckled, taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand.

"Ew, affection" you muttered, grinning as he chuckled.

"At least you didn't try to punch me in the mouth" he said happily, giving himself a high five.

"You are so lame."

"From you that's basically a declaration of love."

"Maybe" you shrugged, grinning as he looked surprised. "Now let's get out of here before they fall out of the window from staring too hard."

The actor looked up at the building to see the cast all staring at the two of you, making kissy faces on the glass and making hearts with their hands.

"Bunch of children" he chuckled, getting in the car and starting it up, waiting until you'd buckled yourself in before driving off to your apartment.

He walked you up to your door, his hand entwined with yours, the actor gave you a soft smile before saying goodnight.

As he turned to leave, you called out to him. "Hiddleston!"

"Yes love?"

You looked at him, slightly nervous before speaking. "Before you go... can I try something?"

"Well, that depends on what you'd like to try darling" he grinned, walking back over to you and leaning against the doorframe, looking down at you. "If you want to slap me then I'd rather not."

You laughed quietly, shaking your head with a smile. "No no, I'm actually not in the mood to do that right now."

He mock gasped, looking at you with a fake expression of shock, his voice teasing. "What?? Y/n L/n, not wanting to cause someone bodily harm? Are you feeling alright darling?"

"Oh shush" you grinned, rolling your eyes. "I'll change my mind if you're not careful."

"I'll shush!" he replied, holding up his hands in surrender with a chuckle. "So, what is it you wanted to try?"

You looked up at him, slightly nervous, letting out a nervous breath before leaning up towards him, your lips brushing lightly against his.

He didn't move, watching you carefully, looking hopeful but making sure not to push your boundaries.

Closing the gap, you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his in a soft kiss.

Tom's hands slid around your waist as he returned it, kissing you gently.

After a moment you pulled back, looking up at him with a smile as he caresses your cheek softly with one hand, returning the smile.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" you commented eventually, grinning as the actor laughed.

"I'm glad I exceeded your expectations" he chuckled before smirking slightly. "But for you to have expectations must mean that you've thought about doing this before."

You rolled your eyes at his teasing grin, flipping him off. "Goodnight weirdo, thank you for dropping me home."

"Anytime love" he smiled, giving you one more kiss before leaving.

"Idiot" you mumbled, smiling as your phone rang with a call from Scarlett, shutting the door to your apartment and answering it. "Am I going to suffer through my whole life with you calling me every second of the day?"

"Absolutely" she answered firmly, her grin evident through the phone. "Did you kiss him?"

"We want all the details!" Lizzie shouted out in the background.

"Maybe I did" you grinned, wincing and pulling the phone away from your ear as they start shouting excitedly. "Weirdos."


I can't decide if I hate this or not, it's not my best work but I tried to shove through this shitty writers block, sorry guys :(

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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How Much Can You Hate Me | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now