Chapter Three

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AN- Please feel free to review and leave comments- inspiration is needed. As a side note, I know many people imagine their own characters as they read, but I imagine Bessie as a golden blonde, 90s Keri Russell. Everyone else is their Tudors self!

France, 1520

Bessie skimmed the letter that a page boy had just placed into her hands. "Anne!" she exclaimed, running to her friend and cousin, who was studying her latest radical book in the window seat of their room. "Father is joining the King on his visit! He also says your father has been invited too!" Bessie enthused.

The French court was abuzz with the news that King Henry of England was set to meet his long time rival King Francis of France in a grand spectacle of wealth and power. Many of the English nobility were set to join King Henry; but only those in the king's favour, of course. Fifteen year-old Bessie was positively thrilled that she would get to see her family again, and also catch a glimpse of the famous king.

Anne looked up from her book. "You know that they will just want to marry us off, Bessie." She swiftly glanced back down to the text she was engrossed in.

"Come on Anne, it will be wonderful, we might even see King Henry! Oh I wonder if he is as handsome as they say," Bessie said, trying to pry the book away from Anne. Anne had been recently informed that her father was trying to marry her off to a minor lord in Ireland. She was far from amused.

"Bess, there is more to life than handsome men," Anne said, standing up and smoothing down her dark green skirts, "please don't fall into the same trap as my sister."

Bessie smiley coyly at Anne. "You'll find yourself a match one day Anne that will change your life completely, I just know it," she said, appraising her cousin.

Anne scoffs. "That's as likely as me becoming the Queen of England," she said sarcastically.

"Stranger things have happened, Anne. Now, let us prepare for the tournament, or Madame Colbert will have our heads," Bessie said as she took Anne's hand, "It will truly be wonderful for both of us, I can feel it."


Bessie smiled at her reflection in the looking glass that she and Anne shared in their room. Tonight there was to be a ball thrown in honour of King Henry and Queen Katherine's arrival in France. She was wearing a beautiful royal blue gown, with gold trimming, and a French hood, that perfectly set of her features.

Anne walked out from the changing screen, and she too was decked in her finery. She was wearing a gown of crimson red, her hood pushed as far back as was acceptable at court.

"Oh mon dieu! Are we not fairest of them all Bessie?" Anne exclaimed, a twinkle in her eye.

"You've cheered up, cousin," said Bessie, laughing.

"Perhaps I have realised there is something to gain tonight, after all," Anne said, admiring her reflection, then twirling around in her dress.

"And what is that?"

"Preferably a powerful French Lord that will sweep me off my feet, and lavish jewels upon me for the rest of my life."

"Oh, so now you want a handsome man?"

"I have high standards, Bess."


"Queen Claude of France!" exclaimed the footman, as Queen Claude led her ladies into the glittering tent, that had been turned into a lavish ballroom. Dulcet tones of lutes and various instruments warmed Bessie's heart as she stepped across the threshold.

"There is your father Bess, Uncle Norfolk. My god he looks like he's swallowed salt," Anne whispered in Bessie's ear.

Bessie laughed heartily, causing many heads to turn her way. Many noblemen continued to stare.

"Anne why do they look at us this way?" Bessie asked.

"Did I not say that we were the fairest of them all?" said Anne, shooting Bessie a winning smile, "now I must talk to my father, I will come a find you in a while."

Anne wandered gracefully across the floor towards Thomas Boleyn. Whilst she did not approve of his proposed match for her, the father and daughter were very close, something Bessie could not relate to in the slightest.

Bessie craned her neck over the crowds to try and catch a glimpse of King Henry. She could just about see his profile, confident and handsome, and in conversation with his wife, Queen Katherine. My, she looks old, thought Bessie, then chastised herself for being cruel. It must be difficult to have the hopes of a kingdom on your shoulders.

She heard a throat clear behind her. "Daughter," said the imposing voice.

Slowly turning towards her father, she swept her best curtsey. "Hello, my lord father, I hope you are well," she said.

Norfolk did not smile, nor did he embrace his daughter. "You have become a woman, Elizabeth."

Of course, she thought, you have not seen me for five years.

"Yes, father. I hope you are pleased."

"We will have to find you a husband soon Elizabeth."

Bess blanched. God, Anne was right, he does just want to marry me off. What am I, cattle?, she thought.

"Of course, father."

Norfolk opened his mouth to make a further remark but Bess was saved by a booming exclamation.

"Norfolk! Introduce me to this lovely young lady!"


AN- I hope these early chapters convey Bess growing up, but also her relationship with Anne. We start to see some familiar faces soon.

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