Chapter Twelve

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Bessie tried to keep a mask of indifference on her face as she swept a small curtsey to Edward, and held out her hand for him to kiss

Inwardly, she was struggling with all her might to not react to his sudden appearance. Edward's face seemed to reveal nothing, though as he kissed her hand, she thought he lingered a little too long.

There was something different about him. She studied his face. His deep blonde hair was longer, and he was sporting facial hair. She studied his mannerisms. That is it, she thought, a new air of confidence. Indeed, the way he held himself and interacted with the King was laced with importance, as if his new status as a knight meant that he subconsciously projected his status everywhere.

"Have you two met before?" the King asked, merriment in his eyes as he observed the unspoken tension.

"Indeed, your Majesty, how could I forget a face like Lady Elizabeth's?" said Edward, eyes twinkling.

Bessie looked down at her hands clasped before her.

God, she needed to leave this space as soon as possible- she felt as if she'd pass out soon. Everything she had pushed aside the past six years was rushing through her like a strong and unpleasant waterfall.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, Sir Edward, I must see my Lord Father about an urgent matter."

Avoiding Edward's eyes, and curtseying to the King, she made a swift exit from Anne's apartments.

Bessie stalked down the corridor as fast as she could, holding her skirts carefully, and ran down the stairs. She then took the nearest exit to the gardens.

She leaned with her back on the wall, hand on her stomach, head titled upwards with her eyes closed, and took several deep breaths. The cold winter air of January hit the exposed skin of her face, but Bessie welcomed the crispness. Listening to the birds chirping merrily in the tree next to her also soothed her for a moment, and she was surprised when she heard Anne's voice suddenly next to her, snapping her out of her moment of bliss.

"Bess? Are you well? What in good heavens was that all about?"

Bessie opened her eyes and looked at her friend, who looked highly concerned.

"I think I have a megrim coming, that is all Anne."

Anne's eyes narrowed. "Do not lie to me, Bess. I know who Sir Edward is- he was that man you had a soft spot for a few years ago."

Unfortunately for Bessie, Anne had a wonderful talent for remembering a multitude of faces. Moreover, Bessie had never revealed to Anne the extent of her short relationship with Edward.

Bessie sighed. "Yes, that is him."

Anne drew Bessie to a bench nearby. "Come, tell me about him. You know you can tell me anything, Bess."

Bessie sat down and looked at her hands in her lap. They were slightly pink from the cold. She filled Anne in on the broader points of her relationship with Edward Seymour, including their initial meeting, their kiss, and the eventual reveal of their identities.

"I should have told you then, Anne. But I thought you would be disgruntled that I held feelings for a Seymour."

Anne was quiet a moment, clearly thinking on the matter.

"I do not like the way he treated you, Bess," she began carefully. "But perhaps it was for the best in the end."

"Perhaps. At the time, I believed he was my first love. And I am still not sure if I will ever feel that way again."

Anne took Bessie's hand and squeezed it. "You were young and in the midst of an exciting and new connection. Especially given you did not know who he was. One that probably would not have worked out in the future, and with a man who hurt you deeply."

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