Chapter 1 - Biscuity

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i'm gonna put a song for each chapter that i feel suits it! and there's nothing you can do to stop me ;)
TW: None

"Are you sure it's gonna go off properly?" I ask for what seems like the millionth time. "Don't we have to—"

"Yes, Father, I'm sure," my friend Monkz interrupts sarcastically. "We don't need to reset the charges. And I'm the bomb expert, not you."

I look to my other partner-in-crime Levi Black for help, but she only shrugs and nods in my direction. "You can't set a bomb to save your life."

"Yeah, I can—" I protest, but before I can explain exactly why Levi is wrong and that I can indeed set a charge correctly, Monkz frantically waves his arms, and I'm forced to take a step back as the vault blows open with an earth-shaking boom.

"Nice," is all Levi says as she shoulders her backpack and steps through the vault.

"There are cameras that we didn't disable in here—" I begin, but she lifts a pistol high in the air and shoots the nearest camera with easygoing accuracy. "Problem solved."

"Well, that's one way to do it," Monkz murmurs as I grumble incoherently and stomp through the vault door, only to be yanked back.

"Eyes on the ground, dumbass!" Monkz barks. "There are lasers here."

I whirl on Levi, who's leaning against the wall, examining her pistol. "We didn't anticipate that," I hiss to her. "I thought you mapped the place out!"

I had indeed sent Levi out to scout our surroundings two days before the heist. Yet as I glare accusingly at her the expression on her face is unfazed.

"Chillax, mate." She rolls her eyes. "It's not like I can't beat this. And I did map this place out, it's just that— do you see any windows around here? Because either I'm blind or there are no windows."

Monkz looks her over, chocolate brown eyes studying her form. Levi might be the shortest of us, but she is the most discerning, though she doesn't show it often. What she does show, however, is sheer recklessness to the point of stupidity, even insanity.

But this time, she's right. "Sorry," I say. My gaze flicks to the podium at the end of the laser-filled hallway, where our prize sits. An ancient Aztec statue of the monkey god Ozomatli, made of pure gold. Its value: 1.3 million dollars. "So you can get to that?" I ask her.

"Have a little faith," Levi grumbles. "Of course I can." She flexes her arms and exhales loudly as she straps her pistol back to her belt, her dark eyes shining. "Here goes."

She jumps over the first laser, ducking below the next, each of her steps an elaborate dance, her steps fluid and graceful. She reaches the end in no time as her hand hovers over the small statue. A quick exhale, then her hand wraps around it.

"Levi, NO!" I roar, lurching forward just as she plucks the statue from its podium and the lights immediately flash and flare red, alarms blaring. Levi tucks the statue in her backpack and makes her way back, wary of the lasers.

"That was a bit anticlimactic," she says quite bluntly as I motion her out with frantically waving hands. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

I don't hesitate to turn and run back through the vault door, Monkz and Levi following suit. We climb out through the nearby window, racing to our Suburban and slamming the doors shut, with me driving and Monkz riding shotgun. Levi sits behind him, and I stamp hard on the gas.

"Don't pull this kinda shit off again," I tell Levi, who's humming delightedly, tossing the statue over to Monkz. "You were supposed to wait for my signal."

"Look, Monkz." She points to its anthropoid face. "It's you."

Monkz bursts into laughter, and I know all is forgiven as I offer Levi a small grin.

A.N: god this took so much effort to post..
not that it was hard to write, but i just didn't feel like it was time to post this yet. i was hoping for 15 chapters at least, but shoot.
updates every thursday!


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