Chapter 2 - Levi

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ROB A BANK BY CONFETTI - You'll find out why soon enough!

TW: None

Biscuity always tells me I lose my mind when I pull off stupid stunts. I guess I just felt up to it that day. He says I'm hyper. Monkz says I'm insane. The thing is, I don't know the difference.

"So when's the next hit?" Monkz asks as I take a seat at the small dinner table not two weeks later. Biscuity reaches for the chips sitting in a bowl in the middle of the table as he speaks.

"Don't freak out on me," he starts.

"Oh no," I mutter.

Biscuity shoots me a look. At eighteen, we're both the oldest we've ever been, but I've never felt so young. Monkz is just a year younger but somehow towers over both of us.

"I think we should go for a bank robbery." Biscuity's eyes don't waver as he crunches his chip loudly.

I slap my hand on the table. "Guys, Biscuity is officially more insane than me."

He gives me a shut-up look. "It could pay out big. We can get millions. Twenty million, tops. We'd never have to do another heist again."

I whistle and grin widely, but Monkz isn't convinced. "We did other robberies that paid well," he says, brows furrowing. "That heist two weeks ago was the biggest we've ever attempted. How're we gonna make the jump from a million to twenty?"

Biscuity's amethyst eyes are bright. "We can do this," he insists.

I frown, studying his face. "You're not thinking of robbing it in the night, aren't you."

He doesn't respond, and his silence confirms his answer.

"Woah, hold on." Monkz raises his hands. "We're gonna break in when innocent people are in there?"

"We won't hurt anybody," Biscuity reassures him. "Right, Levi?"

This time, I'm the one who doesn't answer.

"Right?" he prods.

"I– yeah." I nod my head. "But we need weapons," I state, trying to change the subject. It works.

"I've got that covered," Biscuity answers, gesturing vaguely to the doorway that leads to the rest of the apartment. "And I have blueprints. We can plan entry and exit routes."

And so the planning begins. But a nagging feeling in the back of my mind tells me that this isn't a good idea, that someone's going to end up getting hurt because of it. But try as I might, I can't shake it off.

On the day of the heist, Biscuity hands each of us a mask: mine is the face of a fiery creature, and Monkz's is of a black-and-purple dragon. Biscuity holds the mask of a monster, a terrifying, dark blue thing with aqua accents and off-white teeth.

"Since people will be seeing us," he states, "we need codenames. I'll be Warden, Monkz will be Dragon, and Levi will be Blaze."

"Cool," I say, examining my mask. Monkz lets out a grunt of approval.

Biscuity hands an enormous AKM to Monkz. "Have fun."

"YOOOO!" Monkz exclaims. "This is sick!" He peers through the scope and mimes shooting me in the heart. I scowl and give him the finger.

"Everybody ready?" Biscuity asks. Monkz and I both nod, him rather excitedly.

Biscuity tosses Monkz a bandolier full of magazines, putting on his own and stuffing a submachine gun in his waistband.

"Hey, what about me?" I complain.

He glances at me. "You and I both know you don't like big weapons." Biscuity rolls his eyes. "Use your pistol. You don't need much if anything happens to you, anyway."

"Didn't expect you to remember." I offer him a slight smile and I shoulder a black, nondescript duffel bag, them doing the same.

"Let's go," I say, taking a last look at the table and walking through the door.



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