Chapter 7 - Biscuity

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cue the mission impossible music (gonna kms)

TW: Violence

My fingers drum relentlessly on the pristine glass worktable as I wait for the file to download, on edge and running out of patience. I check my watch for the millionth time, but the numbers haven't changed.

11:48 PM. Exactly three minutes after the guards left to change shifts. And two minutes until new guards come back.

It's funny how time works that way. When you want it to speed up, it doesn't; but when you want it to slow down, it does the exact opposite.

"Come on, come on," I murmur, anxiously checking my vitals again on the screen in my sunglasses. My heart rate's way higher than usual, but it happens every time I'm on a mission.

I still remember the day I got those glasses. Kinda like a FitBit, the mission leader had explained, but much more efficient. More accurate than something you wear on your wrist.

60% - 2 minutes to download, the computer monitor reads. I keep shooting glances at the disabled camera in the corner, like it'll suddenly come to life if I blink.

I remember a time too long ago when it wasn't me who shot them down, but a short, sarcastic girl with dark hair and humor that never left her eyes. I'm lost in the memory for a moment, but the sound of footsteps jolts me back to reality.

I face the same adversary in both worlds: Time. Because no matter how hard I try, I can never defeat it, nor try and hide, I can only hope to outrun it. But it'll always catch up to me, just as these footsteps soon will as they march closer and closer to the locked door behind me.

"Faster," I growl as the monitor displays different numbers. 89% - 41 seconds to download. One pair of footsteps turns into two as I slowly pull my gun out of its holster, cocking it in the direction of the door.

94% - 19 seconds to download. Time seems to slow down as I watch the little numbers blink and change.


The footsteps stop, directly outside the door.


Shuffling, and then beeping noises sound as I grip my pistol tightly, shutting one eye.


The lock clicks open. I separate my feet and brace for a fight.

100% - Download success. I waste no time, ejecting the thumb drive from the computer and pocketing it swiftly. I delete the file from the computer right as the door swings open, and two identically clothed men stare at me. I stare right back.

Before they can come to their senses, I fire once directly at each man's face, not bothering to look at them as I sprint past their crumpling forms and through the open door.

For a full, blissful second, all I can hear is the sound of my thundering footsteps. Then about six pairs join them, along with angered yelling.

"Hey!" Different guards round the corner, lifting pistols and semi-automatic rifles. "Stop right there! Drop your weapons!"

"Sorry," I call back, narrowly missing a bullet as I skid around another corner, navigating my way back through the entrance. "But my give-a-shit o-meter is measuring in millifucks right now."

How poetic. Stealing from a man, then walking out his front doors. More like running, in my case.

I race to the elevator, almost running into the wall as I skid to a halt, jamming the close button of the doors with my thumb. The guards lift their weapons, and my eyes widen just as the steel doors slide shut. I'm granted a moment of peace before the doors open up again, thankfully to less hostile guards.

When their gaze flicks to me, I nod my head. "Out on a run for the boss," I say, discharging an aura of importance as I adjust my sunglasses, and they nod right back. My strides don't falter.

Looks like I will be walking right out the doors after all.

A.N: whos your favorite character? mines biscuity tbh. he is such a badass (comment REAL if u agree)

wait i meant in the fic not the actual mobs videos 😂🫵

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