Chapter 3 - Monkz

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i love angst so have this song TAKE IT

accept my offering my children

TW: Violence

This is the first time Biscuity's put this much trust in me.

He's like a combination of father and son to us, me and Levi. I mean, he's our brother, but his status as the eldest makes it his responsibility to look after us, even if we've only known him for four years. I still remember the day. Levi and I had broken into a clean-looking house, far away from the shitty side of the city where we lived, and I'd just managed to pick the lock on the safe only to hear a thump and a surprised yell.

"What the fuck!" A young male voice had cried out. I turned to see Levi standing over a boy of about fourteen, pinning him to the wall, her dagger at his throat.

"Who the hell are you?" Levi had snarled, pushing the knife in deeper. "Have you been following us?"

"No!" the boy yelped, clutching at his neck. "I wasn't, I swear!"

"Then why are you here?" I'd fumed.

"Isn't it obvious?" The boy's face started to drain of blood. "I'm like you."

"Explain." Levi gripped the knife tighter. The boy gasped for air, and she loosened her hold.

"I don't have a family," he'd explained hurriedly. "I'm alone. I don't have anything, actually, so I rob houses. I just happened to run into you guys today, I promise you!"

Levi had glanced at me, the question in her eyes obvious. What should we do with him?

Apparently the boy had interpreted it as Let's kill him, because he'd started to panic. "He-hey! Maybe we could... y'know, work together."

I considered for a moment. "And what does that entail, exactly?" I asked him. A sheen of sweat appeared above his golden-brown brows.

"Well," he had answered nervously, "you guys would have an extra guy to help you out. And a friend," he said, and I could sense the smallest glimmer of hope in his eyes.

I glanced back to Levi. "He's alone," I said quietly. "Maybe we could help him out."

"I don't trust him," she had said uneasily. Then she turned back to the boy and spoke. "If you want the money, just say so."

"No, mate, I'm serious," he said earnestly, eyes bright. "I can help you out with stuff. We can hit bigger places, maybe even cash machines. Maybe a bank someday, y'know?"

We had both stayed silent.

"Please." He looked me in the eyes, an odd purple color. "Just give me a chance. I won't dip with the money."

Levi's eyes had flicked back and forth between us and stepped away from the boy at my nod. "One chance," I said. "You do anything fishy, I'll have Levi gut you like one."

The boy's face broke into a relieved smile. "Got it. I'm Biscuity, by the way."

I had only offered him a nod in return. "I'm Monkz."

The memory shatters from my mind when Biscuity stamps on the pedal and parks the car in a hidden, shaded spot near the bank. He unslings his own AKM from his back and grips it tightly, the only sign of his nervousness. His face is set in an expression of raw determination as he puts on his mask and I follow suit. Only Levi stays maskless.

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