• Prologue •

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TW for- murder

Pretty girls make graves by The Smiths


We watched.

We watched as the flames bathed the burning building in front of us hand in hand, he smiled. Both of our faces reflecting the fire in front of us.

"Was this your wish?" He asked his soft voice always reminding me of home.

"I think it was both of our wishes.." I said not paying attention to the conversation, I was too engrossed in the flames. He nodded his light brunette hair all full of ash along with my own hair.

"We should head out now, we don't want the police to know." I nodded and walked with him to the car. I got in on the passengers side and looked in the backseat to the teenage brunette boy listening to Duran Duran on his Walkman he got recently for his birthday. All our bags were in the trunk all 3 of us ready to leave this dump of a town.

Soon he began to drive away from everything and everyone ready to start a new life.

I didn't feel guilt, I felt joy. They are a free souls. Whoever said you'll be free when you die was wrong. You need to be freed first. They deserved being free, especially my Audrey, I'll miss her forever. They all got the revenge they wanted on him, he's gone for now. That's for the best.



"Y/N! Wait up!" The young boy yelled to the other young girl who was running around laughing. "Come on! It's so simple just tag me Henry!" The little girl teased. They were playing tag with the other kids, the others were all out hiding somewhere, Y/N was the only person to be found so far. Henry got really close to Y/N to where he could tag her until the school whistle called them back to there classes.

Y/N jumped up and down in victory while Henry stood there about to cry. Y/N went to go run off to class, followed by Henry who wiped away the tears on his face.

The school day was now over and both Y/N and Henry sat on the bus together. They have done this ever since the first day of kindergarten. Henry stop was about to pull up, he hurried and got something out of his backpack and gave it to Y/N. He got up and waved goodbye while she examined the card.

It was white with pink hearts all around it. When she opened it, it said 'Hey Y/N you already now i have a crush on you and it's valitines day! So ya! From Henry happy valintine's day!' You could easily tell Henry wrote this with his awful had writing and bad spelling, but give him credit he's only 7 years old. You had a wide smile on your face. You were overflowing with happiness, you knew right away you would absolutely have to tell your mom.

You got off the bus and ran to your door. Your mom already had it unlocked, how nice of her you usually have to knock. You ran inside, but some stench filled the house, it was terrible. You ran to the kitchen to see both your parents dead at the table, both had stab wounds in their backs!You dropped the card out of your hand, and screamed. Screamed as loud as your lungs allowed you to. You didn't know what to do, your mom always said if there was an emergency call 911 but that wasn't what you were thinking of doing you would scream as loud as you can until someone could hear you, and help you.

It's been a few minutes. You were on the floor crying. You stopped screaming, you couldn't anymore you stayed silent, all that could be heard is your whimper's and cry's. There was nothing you could do. You all the sudden heard sirens outside you looked over to the side window right by the front door. You saw your next door neighbor and police outside coming up to the door.

The police knocked, when he didn't get a response he came in. He saw you on the floor he came over by you and saw into the kitchen. He patted your back and told you it was going to be alright and walked into the kitchen. It wasn't gonna be alright, nothings alright anymore. You couldn't talk, you didn't wanna talk anyway, all you wanted to see was Henry. The police went back outside, but then came back in with you neighbor.

Your neighbor Ms.Gina picked you and brought you to your room she took a backpack from your closet. She packed an outfit, and your pillow along with a teddy bear and a blanket. You walked out with the room with you. You were about to leave the house, you saw the card Henry gave you, you picked it up hugged it and left.

You never saw the house or Henry again. You began to live with your aunt and uncle, along with your 5 cousins. You eventually talked again, after at least two years.


Word count - 875

SPOTIFY PLAYLIST- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Wfxd8tGfEAKRsrhFXjbZA?si=woO0UsZ7RriUHUI96IzoDQ&pi=u-4d7b1U3YQL2-


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Another Chance to Try Again - Henry Emily x Reader Where stories live. Discover now