Chapter 4 - Risky

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"Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all." Beloved by Toni Morrison

Super Freak by Rick James.


I have seen what I assumed was Henry's wife since he would always talk to her and take the kid from her, who I've learned to be Charlie, Henry's kid. During my lunch I would usually sit in the dining room when the pizzeria was almost empty; (Which was almost every day.) Charlie would sit next on the other side of the booth before I even knew who she was and now. She would tell me things I probably shouldn't know. I could remember quite a few times like:

"Did you know my parents are getting a divorce?" Or, "My daddy fights with my mom a lot because she's always drinking the stuff my daddy told me was juice. It's weird, when I drink grape juice I don't act all funny."

I just nod and smile. I don't know if I should tell Henry what Charlie says to me or not. Today wasn't like any other, I sat in my usual booth and have a slice of pizza. I sat looking up at the walls trying to find ways of entertaining myself.

"Hi [Name]!" Oh and the fun begins. Charlie sat at the other side of the booth. Her arms were decked out in neon bracelets and fishnet fingerless green and purple gloves.

"Got your arms all blinged out, didn't you?" I asked her, smiling putting my head on my hand. Her smile shined brighter and nodded furiously.

"Yeah! Yeah! I did! You like them?" She asked her sugar rush making her even more excited. I smiled and nodded.

"Where'd you get them?"

"The girl gave me them for free! Well, I kinda had to beg for them... But I still got them for free!"

I laughed a little and put my hand up for a high five. "Good job Charlie, learning bargaining techniques." She high fived my hand back and then took a bite of my slice.

"Oooo, wait can I have a bite?" Charlie asked me, her mouth was practically watering.

"How about I buy you a slice?" Her eyes went big and she nodded furiously. I chuckled and took two dollars out of my pocket and handed it to her. "Here this should be enough." She got out the booth and ran to the ordering counter, yelling a 'thank you' while she ran

She came back a few minutes later with a pepperoni slice. She sat down across from me and didn't even waste another minute and took a big bite.

Right while she was eating Henry came out he seemed to be looking for something or someone. As soon as his eyes spotted our table he walked over, a small smile glazing his face.

"I didn't know you met Charlie yet, a nice surprise." I looked up and nodded.

"She's been sitting by me whenever I have my break. She's a nice kid." I told him.

"Daddy! Guess what! She bought me a slice!" Charlie exclaimed in a tone of excitement.

Henry looked at me apologetically. "Oh, [Name] you didn't need to do that, but thank you."

"Don't worry it's fine, really." I had responded.

"Well, thank you anyway... And Charlie? What do you say?" Henry looked over to Charlie.

"Thank you!" She said her mouth full.

I giggled "Your welcome Charlie."


A few hours later

I was beginning to pack up my bags, it was the end of my shift. That's until Henry came in the break room where I was.

"Hey [Name].. Can you come to my office real quick?" Henry asked me.

I looked over curiously and nodded. "Oh. Uh, sure." I had replied, my curiosity hinting in my voice. He walked out and I followed behind him, everyone had gone home already, I didn't even see William in sight either. I followed him to his office.

Once we were there he let me in first and he closed the door behind him. I sat down at one the chairs in there, and he sat at his desk.

"Sorry for calling you in here so late, I just gotta talk to you about something..."

I nodded, "It's fine, what's up?"

"Uh, well.. Do you know how to cook?" Henry asked intertwining his fingers together.

"Cooking? Yeah... I know the basic gist of it, why?"

"Our cook, he quit today... He said the smell of pizza started to make him nauseous. And now we need a new cook... I already asked a few others none of them said yes. Is there a chance you could...? You'll be working to eleven to eight at night, your pay would be brought up five bucks to ten bucks."

I thought about his deal, it would be nice extra pay for me and Audrey since the day care wants to up their prices and I wouldn't be able to afford that anyway.

"I mean sure I guess... I can. I'm not the best at making pizza though-"

"Oh, that's fine we just need a temporary cook until we find one." Henry explained rather quickly. "Thank you so much [Name] truly..."

I smiled. "Of course, the extra money would be nice anyway.." I laughed a little at my own comment. Me and Henry both got up at the same time and he walked me to the door.

I had accidentally bumped into Henry and stepped back and looked at him. "Sorry." Somehow I caught his eyes and he caught mine we stared into each other's eyes.

Henry lost his grip of the door and the door closed slowly. The both of us kept getting closer to each other to the point his face was only a few inches away from mine. His eyes that were the colors of a forest kept me captivated. Right as we were about to kiss or whatever that was our foreheads hit each other.

The hit got me out my trance and I back away. Henry quickly opened the door back up, both our cheeks were covered in red.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." Henry said rather softly still trying to get his head back to earth.

"You too, bye.." I replied back walking out speedily. I heard the door close and I went back to the break room collecting my stuff and leaving the building.


Word count - 1066


Another Chance to Try Again - Henry Emily x Reader Where stories live. Discover now