Chapter Five

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The harvest moon hung heavy, as if yearning to rest its bulk upon the shoulders of the Sudano Range. Unable to sleep, I gazed at it from the window of my bedroom. A crunching sound came from the hearth as Samae gnawed a bone Murcii had given her when we’d returned.

I had decided at the caretaker’s hut that I might as well get back to the keep. It wasn’t far, I would be back before midnight, and by traveling in the dark I’d avoid the questioning from the townsfolk. Word of my victorious return would spread there quickly enough. I’d gotten little rest this night as it was, just dealing with the household.

Murcii had exclaimed in joy at the sight of me, then shrieked loudly and grabbed a broom from the corner, shooing at the wolf that followed me in the back door to the kitchen. I’d only half expected the she-wolf to accompany me to the keep, but there she was. Murcii recovered quickly when I explained about the wolf being injured and with pups. The cook’s mothering instinct had taken over and she’d delicately given Samae a fat slice of beef and bundled up some meaty bones for me to take to my suite. Then she noticed the wounds, the bark and sticks in my hair and soot all over my face. She’d brusquely instructed me to go clean up and summoned Veyga to go straight to my suite to tend me.

Corina had set to filling a bath while Veyga tended my wounds. Once he’d finished and left Corina with instructions to bind my ribs, she hustled me into the tub of steaming water scented with lavender and washed my hair. After she’d left the room, I'd soaked my aches until the water cooled and had turned gray from the soot. I'd been sorely tempted to have the tub drained and filled again, but I needed to recount my adventure to the scribe while it was still fresh in my mind. Corina bound my ribs and then helped me dress in a loose gown. I asked her to have Mivius and Compa summoned to my parlor; it was late but Compa at least would appreciate knowing I’d returned, I thought.

Now, Samae lifted her head from the bone just before a knock came on the door.

“Enter,” I said, turning from the moonlit window.

“My lady,” said Corina, entering the sitting room. “Mivius is not in his rooms, but I’ve brought Compa.”

She stepped aside and allowed the young scribe into the room. He’d gained a bit of color in the two days I’d been gone and his eyes no longer appeared sunken. Having his own room must be doing him a world of good. Having to room with Mivius had apparently been harder on him than I’d thought, and more trying than he’d admit.

“My lady,” he said, bowing and blushing at the sight of me in a dressing gown.

“Do you know the whereabouts of the steward, Compa?” I asked.

“No, my lady, I’m afraid not,” he replied, studying the stone floor at my feet.

An eerie cry sliced through the quiet night and Samae’s head came up again, a growl rumbling from her chest. Compa jumped back at the sudden movement and threatening sound.

“T-t-that’s a – a …,” he stammered.

“That is Samae,” I smiled reassuringly. “A friend I made on my journey. Don’t worry so, Compa, she won’t hurt you. At least… not unless you’ve ill will toward her or myself.”

With wide eyes, he shook his head hard, gulping.

I think we’ve found your steward, Samae told me as another scream cut through the silence, and Compa's face turned grim and guilt-ridden at the same time.

I gathered the hem of my robe up off the floor. “Let’s go, I’ve no doubt the steward is the cause for all that noise coming from the gaol.”

I ran out the door, Compa on my heels, glancing fretfully behind him as Samae followed. "I'm sorry, my lady, but he wouldn't listen to me, he said with you gone he was in charge here. That everyone would be wise to do as he said lest we incur your wrath."

Ghost Fields - Book One of The Fields of Mendhavai TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now