Chapter Seven

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“Apethna be merciful,” I whispered, taking my trembling hand from his cheek as the memories stopped pouring through me. I opened my eyes and looked searchingly at Danu’s face.

He closed his eyes, rather than raising them to meet mine, and his cheeks turned crimson with shame. “I understand if you want to put me under lock and key for treason,” he whispered, choking on the words.

I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a little shake. “Never in a million years!” I said, surprised. “Danu…” I waited until his dark lashes parted and he looked at me. “Not one bit of this is your fault. Really, please stop blaming yourself. The mages are powerful; we know, we've battled them. There’s no way you could have prevented this. You did what you could - you did even more than anyone would have expected you to do. You survived!" I exclaimed, giving him another little shake. My voice grew quieter as my throat closed a bit with the next words. "And... you saved me and quite possibly Raldia.” I dropped my hand from his shoulder, and wrapped his clammy fingers in mine. He closed his eyes again, as if to concentrate on memorizing every word.

“Now, love, it’s very late, we should get some sleep. I think I have a plan for getting you home and we will both need to be rested up. No,” I said grabbing his well-muscled arm as he made to get up. “Stay here.” He pulled the cover back over us both and I snuggled into his arms.

I lay awake, listening to him breathe, wondering at the strength of his love for me, so strong it could keep him alive and sane through a decade of slavery, trapped within himself. My heart swelled achingly and threatened to choke me as I relived the painful memories of his as if they were my own.

And then I realized I’d fallen in love with him sometime during his fostering here and the hope of him still alive was what had kept me from considering any other marriage. I couldn’t bear the thought of wedding any of the suitors I’d had throughout the years, especially those that Mivius had attempted to arrange.

Mivius. I frowned as a stone, cold and dark, replaced the swell of love in my heart. Always hungry for power, he had resented me so much when I’d belatedly taken my vows of Ladyship and taken over management of Raldia. Now I knew why. It was time to be rid of him, as I’d wanted since the day he’d arrived. Only I wouldn’t just be throwing him out. He’d be hung for treason and attempted murder. I felt ill at the satisfaction I knew it would give me to see him dangling from the gallows. I wasn’t a cold-blooded killer, but he was and he deserved justice. It fed my need to avenge my father and brothers deaths.  In the morning, I would send the guards to arrest him. I fell asleep with the image of the noose around his neck in my mind’s eye.

* * *

I woke with a warm wet nose poking my cheek.

Rinda, the wolf said. You have a visitor. You also have trouble.

I sat up, instantly awake with her last words. I glanced at the candle marker on the mantle. I’d slept late; it was two candle marks before midday. Danu grumbled next to me in his sleep, tightening his arm around my waist. I gently pried his fingers off and cupped his hand in mine, kissing it.

“Shhhh,” I whispered, bending to his ear. “Stay here, sleep, love. I’ll be back soon.”

I dressed quickly and stuffed a few pieces of fruit from the breakfast tray into my mouth.

Where? I asked Samae.

Your visitor is waiting in your study with Compa to keep him company, and your guardsman is waiting outside the door, very impatiently.

I could hear a tapping coming from outside my door and I opened it to find Peps standing on the other side tapping a booted foot anxiously.

You’re right, he is impatient, I said to Samae, smirking with amusement.

Ghost Fields - Book One of The Fields of Mendhavai TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now