The Wall

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"Okay, here we go." Spencer backed away from the trap he had drawn in the dirt, dusting off his hands and turning his head to look at his audience. "Castiel, step in and see what happens."

Castiel considered the intricate circle for several moments, and then he carefully walked into the Star of David that made up the center. He frowned slightly, turning around to face Bobby, Spencer, Sam, and Dean. "I feel something, at the very least."

"Can you fly out?" Sam asked, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear only to have the summer wind blow it back into his face.

Castiel was still for a moment, his eyes closed in concentration, and then he shook his head. "No, I can't." He walked toward the edge of the circle, making it almost all the way out before jerking to a halt. "And I can't leave of my own volition."

Spencer threw both fists in the air. "Yes!" He turned to Sam and Dean and Bobby, holding his hands out for a series of high fives, which they readily gave. "We did it!"

"I can't believe it," Sam laughed through the words, shaking his head. "You invented an angel trap."

Spencer held up a finger, already moving to break the circle and let Castiel out. "We invented an angel trap." He crouched down and raked his fingers through the dirt. "I couldn't have done it without you, Sam."

Sam scoffed, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Yeah, well, I still say you did most of the work."

Castiel stepped out of the circle, a small smile pulling on the corner of his mouth. "Congratulations, Doctor." He shook his head. "I... didn't think this was possible, but you've done it."

Spencer was a little out of breath, heart racing from the excitement. "We, uh, we still don't know if it'll work on archangels." He ran a hand through his hair and adjusted his sweater, nodding toward the trap on the ground. "We also need to run some tests and find out how long it lasts, if any powers can be used while inside, and so on. Oh! If we're going to use it on other angels, we'll need to—"

"Spencer." Dean held out his hands. "Slow down, man." He folded his arms over his chest. "Take time to appreciate the victories."

Bobby adjusted his hat and started wheeling his chair back toward the house. "I'll drink to that." He gave the wheels another turn and looked over his shoulder. "We should all drink to that."

Dean started walking after him immediately. "Sounds good to me."

Sam wrapped an arm around Spencer's shoulders and pulled him along. "I'll have a Coke." He said it to no one in particular, but Spencer knew Sam was only avoiding alcohol so Spencer wasn't the only one staying sober.

"Thanks," Spencer mumbled, a small smile flickering across his features.

"I think I will have a Coke, too." Castiel walked on Spencer's other side, a curious twist to his lips. "It all tastes like molecules to me, but I like the way Coke tickles my nose when I sniff it."

Spencer laughed, and he heard Sam let out a chuckle of his own.

They got to the house, and Spencer jogged up the stairs to grab the door while Dean pushed Bobby up the ramp. Spencer held the door open until everyone was inside, and then he followed them into the kitchen.

"So, seriously." Dean grabbed a beer and slammed the rim of the bottlecap down on the counter. "We should celebrate." He took a swig and grabbed the cap, tossing it into the nearby trashcan. "And we deserve some time off."

Spencer felt a small twist in his gut at the suggestion, his eyes wandering down to the Coke he had gotten for himself. He knew Dean meant well, but Spencer couldn't quite get his head around the concept of taking a break when they were so close. Once they put the angel trap through some tests, all they needed was a location for The Cage Mark II. How could they stop when they were that close?

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