The Pinnacle

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Sam blinked in the darkness, vaguely aware of the phone he was holding to his head.

"Sam, are you there?"

It took a second for Sam's still-sleeping mind to realize it was Spencer on the other end, but once that connection was made, he quickly realized Spencer sounded upset.

"Uh, yeah." Sam rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"

"I screwed up, Sam." Spencer took a shuddering breath, his voice thick with tears. "I screwed up so bad."

Sam's heart started to beat a little faster, and he sat up in bed with a quiet, "Spencer, what happened?"

"I was—" Spencer swallowed hard. "I was having a really bad week, and I know—I know I shouldn't have, but I started looking—looking for Dilaudid, and I couldn't find any, and—and heroin is similar, and—"

"Spencer." Sam cut off the rambling as gently as he could. "Tell me what happened."

"I overdosed." Spencer choked out the words. "I thought I calculated the right amount, but I—I was wrong. The guy I bought from dialed 911 before he bailed, but I was—I was dead when they found me. They got me back, but—Sam, I screwed up so bad."

Sam pushed his blankets off and got to his feet, making his way out into the hall. "It's okay, Spencer. Everything's gonna be okay." He opened the door to Dean's room and stepped inside. "Did you talk to someone?"

"Yeah," Spencer replied shakily. "Someone came to talk to me as soon as I woke up."

"Okay, and what did they say?" Sam reached out and grabbed Dean's shoulder, giving him a shake.

"They told me I'm lucky to be alive." Spencer scoffed. "They have to give me another dose of Naloxone, but after that has a chance to settle, I can be released."

"Okay, hold on a second." Sam gave Dean another shake. "Dean."

Dean startled and looked up at Sam with a slurred, "Huh?"

"Spencer needs us. Get up." Sam left the explanation at that and headed back to his room, putting his attention back on Spencer. "Where are you?"

"I'm staying at the Super 8 in Columbus, Nebraska."

"Okay." Sam wedged the phone between his head and shoulder, dropping his sweatpants and grabbing a pair of jeans from the floor. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want you to summon Xal."

Spencer snorted out a bitter laugh. "I don't really want Xal to see me like this. I know he's bound to me and all, but I don't want to give him any weaknesses to exploit."

Sam zipped his fly. "Again, I can't believe I'm saying this, but summon him anyway. If he were going to use you, he would have done it by now."

Spencer didn't say anything for a moment, but he eventually answered with a quiet, "Okay."

"Tell Xal where you're staying, and have him go get your car."

"Okay." Spencer didn't say anything for a moment. "Sam, I..."

Sam waited for a few seconds, but Spencer didn't finish. "You...?" he pressed.

Spencer sighed softly. "I'm sorry. About all of this, I'm just... I'm sorry."

Sam pressed his lips together in a thin line. "Spencer, don't be sorry." He shook his head. "You're just going through a rough time. Dean and I are happy to help."

"I should be better than this." Spencer didn't even hesitate. "I shouldn't rely on drugs to feel better."

"Spence, you made a mistake. It happens. It's okay." Sam opened a dresser drawer and grabbed a shirt, tossing it onto the bed. "Just focus on getting better."

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