The one with the sonogram

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Iker had training the day of his ex-wife's first sonogram. He was pissed That he's missed it, but was even more pissed that Susan had been there instead of him. Susan was Mari's new partner. She too was a lesbian and Iker solely blamed her for stealing Mari from him. He'd only met her a couple of times, but the he and Susan did not get along well.

Later that day he went to Mari's apartment to find out how the appointment had gone. He knocked twice before his ex wife opened.

"Hi." She said shyly.

"Hi." He replied, forcing a smile. She invited him in.

"Well, everything went fine at the doctors today. Can I get you a drink?" She asked, walking to the kitchen.

"No it's fine. I don't think I'll be staying long." He said shortly, waving the waterbottle he'd brought. "Who-who's this?" He asked pointing to a picture of Mari and Susan and a friend, who's gender was questionable. All three looked incredibly drunk. Mari walked over and took the photo from Iker.

"That's our friend Carole."

"What, is she a lesbian too?" He asked Rudely.

"Yessssss." Said Carole, annoyed, as if the answer was obvious. She placed the picture back on the table. "Don't you want to know about the sex?"

Iker choked on his water. "The-the sex?" He laughed awkwardly. "I'm having a hard enough time wrapping my head around the fact that you and Susan are doing it, I don't really want to hear about it with Carole."

Mari rolled her eyes. "Of the baby, you dumb ass! Do you want to know the sex of the baby?"

"Oh." He thought about it for a moment. "No. I sort of want it to be a surprise." He said.

"Well in case you were wondering, it's what me and Susan wanted it to be. I think you'll be happy."

"Oh, it's what you and Susan wanted? Well I'm glad that both of its ACTUAL parents are happy." Iker spat out.

"Iker what's wrong with you?" She asked in disbelief.

"I can't believe that Susan is all involved with this and she's not even one of the baby's parents."

"You're at practice all the time! And Susan's my partner now, so she's going to be involved whether you like it or not Iker Casillas." She retorted.

They heard the door open and Susan came in.

"Hey love!" She called, walking over to Mari. The two kissed and Iker glared at Susan. Mari cleared her throat.

"Iker, you know Susan."

"Unfortunately. I best be going now." He said. He gave Mari and quick hug then left.

"So did she tell you if its a girl or a boy?" Asked Ana intently. All 6 footballers were at their usual table at Keegan's. Iker shook his head.

"She and Susan know, but I want it to be a surprise." He said glumly sipping his beer.

"Oh I know what it is." Said Marta.

"What?!" Asked Iker in disbelief. She nodded.

"I called Mari this afternoon and she told me."

"Ooh we want to know!" Said Ana and she Isco, Sergio, and Geovanna leaned in towards Marta. She whispered in their ears.

"Guys could you not do that like, right in front of me!" Said Iker angrily.

"What we're not gonna tell you! Unless Isco spills the beans." Said Sergio. Isco gawked innocently. "Oh stop it D, everyone knows you sick at keeping secrets."

"You're just as bad Serg." Said Ana.

"Yeah? Well I had to know! I'm tired of always being the last one to know everything."

"Oh please, I was the last one to know when you had a crush on Marta when you first moved in." Said Ana slyly. Sergio turned red and Marta opened her mouth in shock. Ana laughed. "Oops. Guess I wasn't the last to know."

"You bitch." Sergio narrowed his eyes at her. She just shrugged, smiling.

"So how was your date Isco?" Asked Marta, changing the subject. Isco shrugged.

"It was ok. She's got kind of a loud personality. It'll take some getting used to." He replied.

"So when can we meet her?" Asked Geovanna.

"OH. MYYYY GAWWWWWD!" Screeched a high pitch voice. Isco cringed.

"How about now?" He asked. A tall woman with enormous hair and purple lipstick tiptoed in her 6 inch heels over to their table.

"ISCY-D IS THAT YOU?" Sergio laughed out loud.

"Iscy-D it is!" He replied to her.

"thanks Serg. Thanks." He said sarcastically. The woman hurried at almost pushed Iker out of his seat so she could sit next to Isco.

"Hi Janice." He said with fake happiness.

"Who knew we'd meet again! Especially when you didn't call me this morning." She said pouting.

"Well, you two are obviously meant to be then!" Said Geovanna with a large smile.

"It's meant to be!" Janice exclaimed, pinching Isco's cheeks. She let out the most high pitch, annoying laugh that Isco had ever heard.

"Janice, these are my friends, Marta, Iker, Ana, Sergio, and Geovanna.

"It's just SOOO nice to be meeting you all! I know we'll be spending a lot of time together as long as me and Iscy-D are lovebirds." There is was. The laugh again.

"I was actually about to leave Janice." Said Isco.

"Alright then. I'll leave you for now. But don't be surprised if we run into each other again!! I could surprise you again!" She made fake lunging motions at Isco and the group and they all moved back in surprise, then fake laughed with her. She grabbed Isco's face and gave him a big kiss on the lips before sauntering off. The group sat, marveling at Isco and the situation he'd gotten himself into.

"So Iscy-D, whattcha gonna do about this one?" Sergio laughed. "The woman of your dreams is crazy!" Isco nodded.

"I need to break up with her." The group nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Girls are crazy." Iker said, drinking his beer.

"You men are just as bad!" Said Geovanna.

"Men would never do THAT." He said, referring to Janice.

"And girls would never accidentally marry a lesbian." Things were getting heated between Iker and Geovanna. Names were called, insults thrown, and any hope for a blossoming relationship withered away. The other 4 friends sat watching, not adding anything to the arguement.

"You know what Iker? You guys are such ass holes. You especially. I hope your little boy is nothing like you-" she gasped and cut herself off.

"My-my what?" Asked Iker, eyes wide.

"Oh no" she muttered.

"I'm- im having a son." He asked in disbelief. She hesitantly nodded.

"I'm so sorry Iker I didn't mean to tell you please don't be mad!" She pleaded.

But Iker wasn't mad. A small smile formed on his lips. He smiled to himself.

"Maybe he'll like football." He said quietly.

"He could be a keeper, just like you." Said Sergio, smiling as well.

"I'm having a son!" He exclaimed. The group cheered. He pulled Geovanna into a hug.

"I didn't mean anything I said Ikes." She whispered.

"He neither Geo. call it even?" He asked. She nodded.

The group celebrated with another round of beers. They convinced Isco to break up with Janice and Iker to try to make up with Susan and Mari.

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